Any arrivals on April 24th?!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by disney_hopper, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    If we have to play a sport (which I'm not totally for, if I'm being truthful) then I think it's essential that we have really cute outfits. We're talking flattering. Because if I have to play a sport then I want to be viewing some hotties. Hotties happen in cute outfits, no? What does everyone think? Yes. Sweet.
  2. disney_hopper

    disney_hopper New Member

    ONE MONTH TO GO!!!!!!! :eek:
  3. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 monthhh!!! can't believe it!!!!...i'm so excited to start this adventure, and of course, to meet my band -sports team -and crazy arrival group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 24'S !!!!!!!!!!!
  4. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    We could alternate the sumo wrestling with the band's presentations - the fan base will be huuuuge...hehe
    Allan, then you can start suggesting how the cute outfits will look like ;)

    ONE MONTH!!!
  5. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    Hey we could also be wrestling  while preforming our songs (In our Spandex suits of course) If we do so we will be very famous very soon  :D  :D  :D
    I just red through "The disney look" once again. Did you know that we are not permitted to wear spandexsuits during work? What a shame!
    I also found something that might be or your interest. It's a kind of diary from someone who attended the collegeprogram. Not exactly what we will de doing but very Interesting!!! take a look at: 8) 8) 8)

    now it's one day less than a month ;D
  6. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    No spandexsuits during work???????? when did they change that?? : :eek: hehehe

    yeay! less than a month!
  7. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    arghhhhhhhhhhhhh 28 days to go!!!!! ;D im really scared!!!!!!! looking forward to it sooooo much but i have to admit i am feeling very nervous!!!!! i think il be a wreck getting of the plane!!! i really hope some of us get put into the same appartments,id feel better if i was in with at least 1 other "new" person (esp if its any of you - you are all ace!!!!) argh,guess we have to just wait and see!!!! :D
  8. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    I know!! I was talking to Aaron about that that the other day!! It will be the best thing if we're roomates with someone out of the 24's :D Fingers crossed
  9. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    yeay I hope to get a 'new' roommate as well. If you follow the link I posted you will fond a report from a guy who did the same as we will be doing. There it sounds like whole Apartments consist of people who arrive together. That would be the best case
    Can't wait to see you all and my new apartrment (and the pools) :D
    Hey, feel free to check out may new myspace site -its in German but who cares-
  10. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Ed, you don't have any videos from the 24's in concert! hehe, ok, maybe 'cause we haven't performed yet, but you'll have the whole collection there, right?
  11. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    I wish we knew who our room mates were going to be BEFORE we go down because then we could coordinate things. Ie Kerry packs the hair straightner, I will bring the blow dryer and Martha brings the curling iron. Plus then we would also have one less thing to stress about. Oh well we are all such easy going people that I am sure we will surivive no matter what situation they throw us into. If would be a perfect world if all of us girls were all in one and then your gus were all accross the hall from us and we were just like the guy in that link you posted.

    As for the sports team I think as a Canadain I am officially supposed to suggest Hockey but I would secretly vote for football because I can toss around the football better than I can shoot a puck.
  12. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    I think that we should figure out a way that we can live together co-ed. I'm pretty sure that you ladies would LOVE living with me. Guys - you'll all have to be on your toes if you end up with me. I'm a hugger. ;)
  13. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    hey guys! nice to hearing from u this weekend!...good news!! i have been talking with some worldwide personalities and i've arranged some performances and matches 2x1 hehe (hhmmm ..not sure about what since we havent decided our sport yet hehe) but be sure that you'll be traveling around the world.....(at least in the dif pavillions eating , buying and getting into the rides for free hahahah kidding)
  14. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    That person was on the college program where you do get grouped with your arrival group (whole rooms are open at a time).

    On the cultural rep program, you are fit in wherever theres room. Since people are leaving at all different times of the year (unlike the college programs), a bed or two frees up in different apartments all the time, and as such you are put into your rooms quite randomly. In fact at times the Commons fills up and you are placed in Chatham Square or Vista Way temporarly until room opens up in the Commons.

    There is a slim chance you'll be with anyone in your arrival group if you are living in the commons, unless 2 beds happened to open in a room at the same time.
  15. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    That is sad
  16. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Want to know something else that's sad. Theres a chance you could be forced to switch apartments while over there. During your first few days they mention that most people have to move at least once during their stay. (Or at least they said this last time I went).

    This is usually due to your apartment getting under 50% occupency, thus it's easier to move lets say 2-3 people into existing rooms and free up the apartment for a new girls/boys apartment depending on whats needed.
  17. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    Maybe, they will move a couple of people from a low occupancy apartment to other apartments leaving one whole one free for us to all move in together!
  18. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    we know you have been reading along, and you have to admit this is the best arrival group out there. There are so many of us and we all have personality. If any group desrves to move in together, it us!
  19. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol well what you said may be true (yes I've been reading along, and yes this is a lively bunch thats for sure), it's not like I have a whole lot of pull to help move you together...

    HOWEVER if any of you have open beds in your apartment, someone can request to move in there. I believe there may be a cost (I heard up to $25.00 which is mostly to keep you from doing this), but it is possible to move where you want to move (when free beds occur).
  20. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    Oh yes I will sure put all of our preformances on my myspace site but I think they will also be broadcasted on MTV ;)
    hey I think it will be cool nomatter with whom we will be roomies. I think all the people there will welcome us. But of course it would have been nice to already know the people we will live with. ;)

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