lol, speaking of H2O I have to buy bottled water, 'cause there is something in tap water up here that I'm allergic too.... ;D ;D don't like water anyway, as I have exzema... it dryes out my skin :'( :'( ... that's if I get it on me of course... ;D lol ;D
yeah, my skin thinks that when I'm in water, it doesnt need to produce anymore of that natural moisture :'( :'( so when I get out of the water, it dries out, so don't think you'll be finding me in the pool or the ocean
than I'll get out and club'em in the kneecap... ;D ;D then put some moistureizing cream on, so I dont dry out... :'( ;D ;D
lol, tell me about it... thanx for your sympathy .. ;D ;D yeah, bath time is a major pain in the arse... go through several gallons a day...
lol, i might just keep ya guessing......seeing as its stumpped you all!!!!! well alex has something that well some people want on here!!!! i no for one that i want one!!!!! i'll give you a clue it starts with Green#### any takers now??????????
HAHAHAHAHAHA ;D ;D ;D i know, it's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ;D ;D ;D bummer you don't have one... MOAH HA HA ;D ;D