they told me in my interview that the new accomodation was going to be right opposite chatham and commons so nice and close - better than where i was last year in treehouses - midle of nowhere!
Not saying you folks are wrong about this at all (I mean they could have told you all the information), just saying that as of November the area still looked very much like this map, and I'm just not sure I believe that they can construct a whole complex like these in less than a year... maybe someone whos been there more recently can comment on something they've seen in the area... In this pic the commons are right at the top and Chatham is right between Lake Forest Drive and Chatham Manor Blvd.
I got the impression in my interview that it was already built, coz Jeni said she'd been to see it and that we would 'definately not be disappointed'. But I suppose she could mean it was in the process of guetting built ???
I guess if they are going to built opposite chattam it would be too the right of it..Does anyone no the corner where you leave your publix trolleys? I mean like on that corner..Coz there was an empty piece of land there and i always wondered why it had never been built on.. Are you sure that picture is as of november? Its just they have definitely said to alot of people at the interview that there was going to be a new accomodation..
Well that picture probably isn't from November, but I was there in November and really it didn't look much different. No obvious construction. The only other possibility I can think of is that they bought out another complex... there was a place full of condos that were for rent nearby (it's in the other pic... the "ghost" roads on the trees, thats how old that picture is)... but they were public condos no private like the rest of the housing complexes... Can't find an updated satalite pic that I can soom out of enough to show it ( can see it from the birds eye view but it's quite zoomed in). If they didn't buy it I suppose it could be in a different area (our built extremely quickly but I doubt that)... and for those wondering the Interstate runs off the left side of that satalite map so they can't construct it there. Ah just found out from a friend (and former CM) this little tidbit In other words it looks like it'll be run completely different (ie not Price Management, so Security could be much more or mus less strict/lenient), and quite possibly have different transportation and routes much like the Treehouse Villas...
Its quite a possibility they've bought that other accomodation..Although they were just brand new built while i was there..but they were having a struggle selling them as i remember on the way back from publix there always used to be a women with a board begging me to go and look at them! haha.. I don't no if they could have bought it all tho..coz what would the people of done that lived in there? I did always look at it though and think how much it actually looked like chattam! It would be wierd if they had bought it tho..because it always used to be annoying having to goin all the way to vista way before we went out..especially coz you weren't allowed to get on the bus after 9 if you didn't live there! that was well shocking that rule! Other than that tho..Maybes they started building in january..disney is a really big company and i am sure they will get things built really fast as they will be able to afford to have more staff..Its like it might take 20 people doing it 2 years to build..but disney would probably have about 200 people on the job so it would probably take alot less time..
And that is true... at the same time the trees would need to be cleared, roads paved, pipe work brought in electricty and everything else like that... I assume if it was that close we would have heard about it ya know (since there's current CMs on here)... kinda like how there's pictures of Chatham Square under construction on the website. Oh and keep in mind Disney dosn't build or own these complexes either... Checked with someone who is there, he hasn't seen/heard anything about anything being built nearby (he's in the commons). So I'd assume it probably isn't that close.
OK, I've just done a bit of detective work (go me!), and found this: For those of you not famillar with the area, at the bottom you see Chatham, top left is Commons, and middle right is.. something else. Google maps shows that area as nothingness. This site ( shows it as a group of what look like apartments... Let the speculation begin! Andy. Still waiting.
Thanks for the map! (it's what I was looking for)! Those are the condos that they were trying to sell with sign boards that we've been talking about... however if Disney is using a 3rd party they could in theory be renting some of those then renting them out to internationals...
Yeah..Its either there doing that..or they've bought something it (which isn't likely), Or maybe they could even be building on international know opposite where them appartments where its off the map..You know where i mean..On the way to to where they were building that new petrol garage.. Do you remember what happened last summer? They ran out of runs for people who had a car got asked if they wanted to move into that spa place..Apparently they got breakfast free and stuff as well..Annoying I used to work in costuming as some of you will have seen from other posts and there was a guy on the parade who was prince charming and he used to live there..What a life he must of had.. I had already heard about it before he told me about it though.. But suppose its cheaper for them to buy some condo's up..Because them castmembers would have been taking up rooms that could have had guests in them.. I am guessin were hear something about it in summer though..when all the english college program people start arriving..They find out all the gossip!
Yeah for sure... although I'm pretty sure construction along I-Drive is out based off what the guy told me an hour ago
Fair enough.. Its pretty wierd though that nothings been announced..Who knows what disney have up there sleeves..Something spectacular like usual i pressume..
lol you better hope, it could be the unfinished wings of Pop Century (but since those are still not finished I doubt it)
the 1900-40s wings... here's a satalite pic of some unfinished wings and finished wings. More info on those wings at Wiki's_Pop_Century_Resort#Phase_II
Ah rite..i get ya now.. I never realised how addictive this forum was until this week..I hardly went on it last year when i got the job!
I know and I took a small hiatus since I found it tough to find the time to come on here while I was in Florida, but man before and after that I just can't stay away.
this sounds about right as gretchen told me in the interview that it wasnt 100% certain yet which is why everything was so secretive but they were just about to close the deal on some built apartments
Ah rite..well that would be cool..because them apartments seem really nice..its sort of a similair set up to chattam..But just abit newer..I think when i was there last summer they had just finished building them.. Would make vista way abit out of the way..but thats why its the party capital of disney!
thats why they call it vista lay too! i think you'll find treehouses is the most out of the way - with the best parties - no one can hear a thing from that forest!