Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CineStephie, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. suzyfluzy

    suzyfluzy New Member

    yer theyv def accepted u thats 10000% def....well done.

    geeeees the more people getting thru the more scared i am!xxxx
  2. MissLAK

    MissLAK New Member

    well i'll let u guys knw asap! but im off 2 attempt to sleep! fingers and toes crossed for every1!!!

    laura x
  3. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Woah thats scared me that lol. oh no :( :-[ :'(

  4. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    Well done to those who've got thru!!!! I'm gonna be a complete wreck if they ring me! Obvs, I'll be well upset if I get an e-mail, but i'm prob not gonna be able 2 function if i get in! Any idea when they'll let the grads know?? It's killin me knowin ppl r being called an accepted now!!!!!
  5. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cant be doing with this..i just know im not in!i see it right now!
  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Well it's a new day; a day of more nerves and constantly checking phone/emails to see if we got in.

    Sadly I'm on a train for most of today I probably won't know either way!

    Good luck everyone!
  7. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    I'M IN!!!!!!!! I woke up to an e-mail from Kristen this morning offering me a job in Merchandise going in January!!!!!
    I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    congrats gail!

    today is the day me thinks!urgh!f&B find out today!
  9. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Argh, college people definitely starting to find out too. Well nervous now!!

    Goodluck for everyone today too!

  10. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Turns out I did have an email from Kristen... it had gone to my junk box tho. Thank goodness I checked it!

    I am ecstatic coz I got in!!! I'm in merchandise too Gail.
  11. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    Yea, my 1st e-mail from Kristen about the interview went to my junk box! Hotmail's stupid! lol!
    Well done Cowza!!!!!! Wonder wher we'll be workin!
  12. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Haha amazing!! I'm hoping Magic Kingdom or Disney Studios!! If you wanna add me on facebook/myspace/msn/email feel free. Would be nice to feel like I know someone once we get there.

    I'm Ben Cowley (Uni Southampton) on facebook



    I don't use MSN that much coz it takes over my life hahaha

  13. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    lol!! yea, msn an facebook r the most addictive substances ever!! I'll facebook u now!
    If any1 wants 2 add me btw, my name's Gail Dickinson (wales)
  14. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    cant believe this topic is 15 pages long already!!!!!
  15. cowza

    cowza New Member

    haha 16 now!
  16. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

  17. beck-y

    beck-y New Member

    You could always be really daring and call them ;)
  18. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    im too chicken to do it

    Dom mentioned it before and he 2 is to chicken lol
  19. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Oh man I'm having doubts now :( :-[ :'(

  20. angelamy9

    angelamy9 Member

    I'm startin to think its a no go with me :'(


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