The hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiills are alive, with the SOUND OF MUSIC I spy... you last fancy dress outfit
to my friend about two seconds ago saying to get his lazy bum out of his house and come out with me!!! (im going dancing tonight! hehe! i spy ....... what youre doing right this second? apart from on the computer?
i'm waiting 30-40mins for my english muffin dough to rise before i wack it in the oven to bake. oooh i'm so lame, i'm baking on a saturday night while you're off out dancing!!! (wheres my invite??? lol) i spy....your favourite girls name.
At the moment it's 'Abigail' I don't know why I like it LOL. I also like Grace and Amneris, and Luke for a boy Haha, I're favourite boys name.
Jake, Josh, Jack. all the J's (i'm not biased though, just so happens my name starts with a J!!!) I spy the colour of your bedroom carpet
i dont have carpets unfortunately... but i do have some magic round rugs! i spy the colour of your bedroom wall
circle of life from lion king.... soooo meaningful and loved it the moment i first heard it! bit cheesy but i dont care!!! i spy your favourite film and why?
alfie cuz the first i saw it in someway i saw myself on him i spy with my little eye your favorite ice cream flavor