A new game...I spy!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toorcam, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. poncho

    poncho New Member

    mistico jaja

    y spy with my little eye your fvae condiment for food
  2. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    P E P P E R R R R R R R R ! ! ! ! Tons of it... my food is always Pepper with something.

    Thalia or Paulina?
  3. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member


    I spy with my little eyes your favorite mexican artist.
  4. poncho

    poncho New Member

    tough question i have a lot

    i spy with my little eye the best concert that you have attended
  5. RCP

    RCP New Member


    I spy with my little eye a car accident that u have had?
  6. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    i drove my car into my garage wall when i was learning - oops!

    i spy with my little eye... something you want to do this week?
  7. poncho

    poncho New Member

    to rest and sleep

    i spy with my little eye something interesting that you did yesterday
  8. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Nothing! I am bored waiting for a new job, so I dont do interesting things lately, well I had to go to record a song yesterday but I canceled I wasn't in the mood.

    I spy with my little eye your favorite TV program
  9. poncho

    poncho New Member

    the real world, the oc, laguna beach and maui fever

    i spy with my little eye your favorite soccer team
  10. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    My school's. I don't have a fave soccer team hehehe.
    I only watch really important games.

    I spy with my little eyes something u don't like to do... that u really hate.
  11. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    well i dunno that i really hate it but i have to sort out my bedroom - too many clothes n chuck some out and i REALLY dont wanna do it

    i spy with my little eye... something relaxing
  12. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    Swimming at night.

    I spy with my little eyes a weird name for a pet.
  13. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    Pumpkinpus...its my cat's name lol

    i spy with my little eye... your favorite subject
  14. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    Pumpkinpus?!?!?!? Poor cat !

    My favortie subject is geography ehehe...

    I spy with my little eyes the number of children you would like to have.
  15. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    hahahah my mom choose the name

    2 o 3... no more! lol

    i spy with my little eyes...your best friend name....
  16. RCP

    RCP New Member

    I have lots of bestfriends. From Commons mexican will be Mauri one of them.

    I spy with my little eye. A name that you would have wished to be named with!
  17. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    im happy with mine... Ely.. ;D isnt very common and sounds good i think

    i spy with my little eye...something blue
  18. RCP

    RCP New Member

    My tec's t-shirt!

    I spy with my little eye, something made of wood!
  19. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    a desk

    i spy with my little eye...ur favorite snack
  20. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Nuts and pistachios!

    I spy with my little eye your favorite flavor ever!

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