A new game...I spy!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toorcam, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    i could go for the obvious and say A Whole New World, but at the min my fave song is All In A Golden Afternoon from Alice and Wonderland

    i spy with my little eye...your favourite snack to eat in Disney World
  2. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    umm i'm gonna go with popcorn - it always smells sooo good!

    i spy with my little eye - you favourite place to eat in WDW
  3. RCP

    RCP New Member

    I love the resorts buffet. Boma rocks! and some other buffetts that I dont remember the names at the Polinesian and so on.

    I spy with my little eye - a time when you woke up in a place that you didnt recognice being at the commons?

  4. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    well i lived at treehouses not commons but i woke up one morning in someones treehouse on the sofa, 4 of my friends on the floor all of us in haloween costume (in september) it took us a while to work out whos house we were in!

    i spy with my little eye - the 1st thing you'll do back in disney?
  5. poncho

    poncho New Member

    go and see wishes and go to the tower of terror

    i spy with my little eye the thing that you will miss the most at disney from home
  6. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    My parents, 2 friends, my own room, my crazy cousin, my nephews... my grandmother... eehehehe... etc.

    I spy with my little eyes something that comes in a pink box.
  7. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    my new watch! :)

    i spy with my little eye - something that reminds u of someone
  8. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member


    I spy with my little eyes the best place to buy clothes.
  9. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    - in england - New Look - spent $200 there today - whoops

    i spy with my little eye - your favourite food
  10. leon22

    leon22 New Member


    i spy with my little eye your famous clon
  11. poncho

    poncho New Member

    they say that when i was really thin i look like cameron from 10 things i hate about you
    and also i look like a chinese-american singer

    i spy with my little eye the name of one of your future sons or daughters
  12. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Leonardo! if not a son at least a future dog, I already have patrizio and lula both basset hounds, and etienne and Onyx Chihuahuas.

    I spy with mi little eye, the last song that you heard?
  13. poncho

    poncho New Member

    new york new york of frank sinatra

    i spy with my little eye one of your fobias
  14. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    why Leonardo? Tell us the whole story...

    fobias... I don't think I have one... I dream a lot about other people's death, ehehe really... and I get kind of scared... but just a bit.

    I spy with my little eyes the weirdest food u've ever eaten.
  15. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Crickets and escamoles!

    Why Leonardo, just cause I like that name, I love Lions besides that so tha name Leonardo sound powerful for me. Nothing related with ninja turtles eh!

    I spy with my little eye your scariest gosth experience!
  16. poncho

    poncho New Member

    supposedly a woman appears in a mountain in campeche, mexico but i closed my eyes before verifying if it was true or not

    the person below me believes in ghosts?
  17. RCP

    RCP New Member

    I believe in them, of course!

    The person below me like magic and witchery topics!
  18. leon22

    leon22 New Member

    is this the person below...? or I spy..? you get lost guys!

    i spy with my little eye your favorite t-shirt
  19. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    have many!!! no tshirt... more "tops" its one with one broken heart and say: u broke it, u buy it! hahahahaha
  20. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    ups... i forgot

    i spy with my little eye... your favorite movie not animated!

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