1st April f2f results!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Dan7, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. clover

    clover New Member

    did they call u or u call them?
  2. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    i called tem cause i have work in a bit, n she said they were stating 2 call pl now,
  3. i guess u can now progresss onto the accepted/current discussion forum lol
  4. clover

    clover New Member

    lol they're all gonna desert us waitlistees now!!!
  5. good lol, i cant listen to happy news right now. :'(
  6. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    i still wnna hear what every1 ele got!!
  7. clover

    clover New Member

    i know it sucks!
  8. well my guess is that if they havent got the email they probably got it.

  9. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    well not nessesarily, pl like damon havent been on here yet so i dontknow do i,
  10. I might just be really sensitive right now, but were u just having a go at me with the 'i dont know do i' comment?
  11. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    Im shaking so much right now

    but im in =).
  12. Oh good for u mate!!
  13. clover

    clover New Member

    well done, im going to drink now so be back in a bit!!!!!!!! go have a drink jim!!
  14. im drinking and chain smoking right now.
  15. clover

    clover New Member

    Double jd I think first
  16. shellym

    shellym New Member

    OMG im in! September 8th 2009 f&b. Keep trying guys if you have been waitlisted. I was waitlisted in October but have made it through this time, so guys dont give up!
  17. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Way to go michelle! :) :)

    Ill see you in Florida ! :)
  18. Damon

    Damon New Member

    Update! I got the job but start date is not until 1st Dec 09. FandB, fish and chip shop for christmas it is then!
    Good luck those still waiting, hold on in there you wait listees, sure you're time will come!
  19. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Well I'm in Germany at the moment so have only just been able to check emails today and I have been waitlisted, well done to those that got through.
  20. robbo454

    robbo454 New Member

    Zip-A dee-doo-dah am off to disneyworld, i start on 20th October-am so happy right now!!! ;D

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