1st April f2f results!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Dan7, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    You are the only one..There just trying to make you feel better! I hope :-\ Hahaha..

    This is guna be such a long night! I think I've added you all now so you can give me some morale support!

    Have you got facebook steph? I think your the only one I don't have!
  2. clover

    clover New Member

    ok enough about zac!!

    we all need morale support so we can be there for ewach other no matter wot happens.
  3. my facebook is acting up i keep getting random chat from folk who sent me chat messages at like 4 oclock lol. So If dont reply im not trying to be rude, its just not working.
  4. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    Yeah, mines been messing up the past few days as well!

    Could be an all nighter on here tonight anyway! Don't think ill be getting much sleep!
  5. Steph

    Steph New Member

    yeh i do, its Stephanie Riddell

    rather unfortunate last name but hey!

    lol they prob are just making me feel better but owell! i am cool :-\ haha
  6. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    good eve peeps......soooooooooooooooooo how is everyone after a long long day of no news again??.......stupid question i know coz i guess were all feelin the same.....i am safe to say i am crazzy now.
    So any other topic anyone else wanna talk bout??
  7. clover

    clover New Member

    well christina u have missed the long depth discussion about jim secretly liking zac efron!!!! only joking!!!!
    tomorrow night is gonna be wicked! need to get drunk to make up for the lack of alcohol while i am in america with my parents!!
  8. clover

    clover New Member

    steph just tried adding u on facebook but which one are you??!!!
  9. Steph

    Steph New Member

    im the scottish one lol, from elgin in scotland (dont expect you to know where elgin is lol)
  10. clover

    clover New Member

    i found u now!!!
  11. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    hahahaha zac efron and jimbo yeaa right.......zac is like 10 hehe. jimbo likes his men strong and wild and norweigen hehe.

    And yes 2moro night sounds wicked. I cant wait. need some girly fun and would b great to meet u at last. xx
  12. clover

    clover New Member

    zac is 21!!! but yes i know, not jims type!! ill keep zac for myself!! just watched a documentary about him, i really am sad!!!

    where we gonna start tmw? in sovs!! x
  13. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    hehe wow 21!!

    Yea sovs is first lol........
  14. clover

    clover New Member

    cool ill call u tmw my nanny boss just cancelled my work tomorrow so am gonna go work in the shop for s few hours (jjb). wot time u wanna go out?
  15. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    i'm not going to lie, all this efron talk upsets me a little,
    OMGOOOOOOOD so we will hear 2m, i going to sleep with my phone 2 night (next 2 me....you know..like on the pillow....with my hand wrapped round it,next to my face just in case i over sleep)
    just got back from work, i work my my dads fish and chip shop when im back from uni for the hols, i nearly melted in there 2night, it was about 6 million degrees, so if any of us put food and bev, and we get chippy stuff, i pre warn you, we may all die.
  16. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    I think you've got it in the bag to be honest! If you work at a fish and chip shop, I dont think you even needed to bother turning up for the interview! haha..
  17. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    roger asked me if i would have a prob working in the fish and chip shop and if i had any experience and i was ike "my dads had a shop for 26 years., my grandma had one, and ive been working there some way or another since i was 12" and he just went "ahhh, so thats a yes then" haha
    but 2bh i wouldnt wanna work thr long just cause i do it here, want a chnage u know. (and the heat, torture)
  18. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    Ah really..I'd prefer not to no about it! Saying that tho, I worked in MK on the turkey leg stand for a bit, im sure that was just as bad! haha..
  19. bongallina

    bongallina New Member

    yeh, least fish and chips taste/look nice, the turkey legs things look wrong, just plain wrong, seriously, how big can a turkey be, i always think it must be a turkey/T-Rex.
    also, if we go, as if PI aint guna be thr, so such an easy alternative 2 traveling far 2 get drunk....
  20. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Hey all,

    Sorry to butt in on your discussion but I did the programme a couple of years ago now so know how you're all feeling waiting for the call (when it comes it's so worth it!) and also, I had some amazing laughs while working in the chippy!

    The reason I wanted to post is just to say that JP, the guys in your photo look suspiciously like Adam and Tyler? Just wanted to see if was them!?

    Thanks and sorry again for butting in!

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