~~ºOº~~ Disney Trivia Game ~~ºOº~~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ona, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Ok ok got it, who's gonna play Belle on the last show of Broadway's Beauty and The Beast??
  2. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Anallise Van De Pol from Thats so Raven I believe
  3. Vic

    Vic New Member

  4. Paola C.

    Paola C. New Member

    wow I am surprised yo know a lot about Disney
  5. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    OK actually feel quite sad knowing her name but never mind.

    Which is NOT one of the three animals that Merlin transforms Arthur into in the animated feature The Sword in the Stone?


    I know right easy? Its early and I couldn't think of a more complicated one
  6. Vic

    Vic New Member

    A dog
  7. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

  8. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    i didnt see u answer Vic... i guess u won me! lol
  9. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

  10. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Which one of the Disney Movies, was the first animated film to be shot in widescreen??
  11. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    was it fantasia 2000
  12. Vic

    Vic New Member

    no, keep trying
  13. Paola C.

    Paola C. New Member

    A bugs life
  14. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Nope, sorry keep trying!!
  15. Linz

    Linz New Member

    snow white?
  16. Vic

    Vic New Member

  17. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Lady and the Tramp 1955! yeah!

    How many international pavillions were considered in the original design of the EPCOT Project?
  18. 11? Weren't they going to add a pavilion about israel?
  19. RCP

    RCP New Member

    No... how many were considered for the original plan?
  20. Linz

    Linz New Member

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