~~ºOº~~ Disney Trivia Game ~~ºOº~~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ona, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Dippy Dawg :D
  2. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    Woo Hoo.

    Your correct Stephanie, you're up!
  3. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    whoot! haha I love Goofy... :D

    In what year did MGM Studios open?
  4. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    May 1st, 1989
  5. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Correct!! snaps for Tom!

    you're up :D
  6. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    Carrying on the World Showcase theme from earlier, someone asked how many countries are represented. Can someone tell us which 2 of the 11 countries were not present on opening day October 1, 1982?
  7. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I know one for sure, but I'm not going to be a total cheat and look up the other.
  8. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    Hey Jorden - take a guess maybe you'll get the second one!
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    ok lol I suppose that works...


  10. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    Big ups - your turn!
  11. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Sweet (for the record Morocco was the one I knew lol)

    Ok this ones probably pretty easy, but I want to make it that way since I've gotta hit the highway pretty quick and if I don't get a chance to get back on here soon, the game can continue.

    Name the Disney movie that has never been released on video or DVD, that is celebrating an anniversary this year, and had some if it's characters inspire a popular attraction in the magic kingdom.
  12. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Is it Song of the South?
  13. yeah it is! I love those songs!!!
  14. Megara

    Megara New Member

  15. mr_tom_morrow

    mr_tom_morrow New Member

    I think he meant in North America it's never been released.
  16. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Not the point, or what was said, it has been released.
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah it was song of the south and that was my mistake, as far as I knew it wasn't released but I guess it got a R2 release...
  18. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    haha ok, well i'll go anyways! Moving right along...

    When did Disney Cruise Line first set sail? :D
  19. Ona

    Ona Member

    The Magic sailed on it's maiden voyage on July 30, 1998.

    Ona x
  20. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    haha that was easy for you Ona! You're up! :D

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