Haha exactly!! What hotel are you staying in?
@Audrey haha I know there probably more I've only found us three from here and Facebook and him and I are the 1130-1230 slot :)
I am planning on starting vlogging once I get accepted and then I will backtrack :) I just posted to my blog my Bucket List
@Audrey maybe it will just be us three? What time is your interview slot?
Hey there! I was wondering if there were any people out there with a February 26th interview? So far I have only found me and one other person going...
@hassan bzi thank you so much!
@Lathandee I have turned into even more of a disniac haha non stop reading blogs and watching videos. I have to fly to my interview so I am flying...
Hello beautiful people! I have found blogs to be super helpful throughout this process so I thought if anyone had blogs or knew of some helpful ones...
@Lathandee well thats shorter than I thought! Still so painstaking to wait I became OCD about checking my dashboard and email haha congrats to you...
Hey! congrats to everyone who was accepted I have my interview February 26th super nervous and excited! Was wondering how long the wait was from the...
February 26th Vancouver Interview! Whose in?!?
Hey! Congrats to everyone who was accepted! Just curious as to how long the wait was from the interview to the acceptance stage? I feel as if I need...
Hey! So I applied back in November 2014 for CRP found out last week I have an interview February 26th 2015 in Vancouver :) so excited yet so nervous...
Separate names with a comma.