Years supply

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by marsles, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. marsles

    marsles New Member

    Anyone planning on taking a years supply of anything, because they're afraid that the American version just won't work.
    Like your fave shampoo or something.
    Seriously considering taking a years supply of the make-up I use, because I'm so pale and it's impossible to find concealer the right colour.
    What are girls doing/going to do about the pill as well? I heard you couldn't get 12 months off the Doctor.
  2. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    I got 12 months off the doc :-D, just tell em you're going away, not for more than 6 months though or you lose your NHS benefit, but just say it'll run out before you're back. Then I just got my mate to bring me a month over for my 'travel' month.
  3. marsles

    marsles New Member

    we get free prescriptions in scotland so would be pretty devastated if i had to end up paying for it lol
  4. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    My deodorant! Took me ages to find one that is really good, so I'm not going without that! I went to the doctor about my pill on Friday and he is going to give me 9 months now, and then my mum in gonna pop in my repeat perscription form and is going to bring the next 9 months out when they come and visit. I'm getting more than a years because I plan to travel at the end of my program and plus I don't want to have to come home and straight away have to make a doctors appointment. But most doctors should be able to give you enough to last =)
  5. doddi92

    doddi92 New Member

    If not I would definitely recommend visiting your local Family Planning; I just started a new pill (for the life of me I can't remember what it's called!) and you take it everyday with no break (no periods - hell to the yes!). When I went to the Doctors for this they wouldn't give it to me as it was for people who had problems with the other pill (the one you take for 3 weeks and then have a break for a week or whatever), so I went to my Family Planning and didn't even question it - just gave it to me! I'm going back a couple of weeks before I leave to hopefully get a years supply!
  6. lilacwhisper

    lilacwhisper New Member

    I shouldn't have any problems with the pill, apart from the cost af a year's supply bought all at once :-[ I haven't decided yet whether to have them sent by my parents by mail periodically or to buy 12 boxes, but the latter option would cost me a lot (14.90€x12 :'( ). Anyway, my doctor never makes any problem with multiple prescriptions, and my pill is said to be available in multiple packages (3/6 boxes) here in Italy. I really don't know what to do, though ???

    Contact lenses are my biggest problem. A prescription from an American eye-specialist/eye-clinic is required in the US, which costs about 130$, according to rumours. It is necessary even when purchasing on-line, but a year's supply bought before leaving for the US would definitely cost me too much (I spend about 30-35€ per month). I'm afraid someone will have to send them to me from my country :-[

    What else... at the moment I can't think of anything else I may need ::)
  7. ksquared

    ksquared New Member

    As a male, i find it humorous the repeat problem/question for women on here is the pill :p

    i didnt know it was such a process to get them!
  8. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Well now you know and you should appreciate the lengths we go to! lol :D
  9. marsles

    marsles New Member

    Yeah boys, be grateful eh!!

    Nah it's like, doctors dont like giving you too much of anything in case you are trying to sell them or doing something else untoward.

    I'm getting the coil on Thursday. I didnt want it, but the dr said it was probably the most suitable because of the girly problems I get. It produces less side effects apparently.

    Think I am def going to have to take like 5 bottles of my foundation, because I'm sooo pale and took me years to find one that would work.

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