i was just reading about the cutural rep program and it says that u work 40 hour weeks, so i was wondering if any of you guys know how this works, for example do you always strat at a certain time and finnish at a certain time? if you know more about the hours please let me know thanks Adam
As far as I know, you don't work the same times, it's all different depending on the schedules of others!
Yup your schedule changes weekly and your hours change depending on how busy the parks are and how staffed your area is (last year a large group of canadian merchies got termed for phoning home from a work phone. Everyone else got put on manditory 7 day work weeks).
Thats a minimum estimate id say-your always over time if your working until the end of the day-you have to tidy up and count your money etc (at least, when i worked at OUTDOOR FOODS I DID)
Yeah Epcot ODF was BAD for your schedule... you could get off an hour before you were done or 2 hours later completely depending on who was managing and how busy you were that day (oh and how much crap your stockers brought or didn't bring to you). Edit: Side note 1000th post
Hehe, that sounds familiar.. A few times I found myself still standing at my ODF location over an hour after I was supposed to leave because they forgot to send someone to take over from me In fact, come to think about it I'm not sure I ever did leave MGM before my schedule said I was supposed to.. Maybe once.. Not that I'm complaining, I actually did enjoy working ODF in MGM.. Andy.
Yeah I enjoyed my Epcot ODF as well and would have been fine spending June-November there, however I was exstatic to get my transfer to Mission Space in July and really it was a much better/easier job... food people deserve a lot more than an extra 50 cents an hour thats for sure!
Yeah I was really starting to enjoy it right before I was transfered... I stated getting trained as a stocker... believe me in ODF stocker is one of the better jobs.
so true-you didnt do anything for hours at a time, kjust sit ande talk, then when you had to go out to deliver stock, you took tjhe long route back to base and wasted hours
Yeah I was never a real stocker by the time I left, but I did have a few stocker breaker shifts and enjoyed those. The worst part was covering a cart break that had NO STOCK and an incompetant stocker! Like I had Ice Cream whatever (by Imag), and was running low on EVERYTHING so I told him... he brought me 1 BOX OF ITZAKADOOZIES 60 mintues later! By that point I was out of Itzakadoozies, Mickey Premiums, Coke, and low on water! It was insane!
Did u do it in Epcot-me too-when did u work there-i was one fo the Brits there in the summer of 2005-June to August
Yeah I was Epcot, although i was last year and just for the month of July basically (by the end of July I had been transfered to Mission Space attraction). My program was June 20-Nov10, and even in my month I could never get my Ice Cream numbers right lol (like what cart was 1, 2, 3, 10 , 20 etc.)
initailly i was normally working making hot dogs by Mission Space? that was a killer standing over that outdoor grill in the Florida heat
Yeah I didn't have to work TT Hot Dog often (once or twice before my last week when they gave me like 3 shifts there to end my time with ODF). The kept putting me on Turkey though which SUCKED to clean! Aside from being on you own I liked the Ice Cream carts... at least they were cool and you didn't have much to do to close it for the night. Worst part imo was getting the Turkey, Hot Dog, and Nut carts clean :S One morning we opened Show Nut (WSC Nut cart by Refreshment port/McDonalds) and discovered someone the night before didn't clean it well enough as there was 3 roaches on the counter (NOT in anyway in contact with the actual nut making area or anything, that is sealed quite well with weather stripping so no one needs to freak out). That cart also got struck by lightning like a month before I started.
yea-i liked TT hotdog-especially when i went to the nearby ice room and hid there too kool down lol. I foget what it was, but i always seemed to be on the ice creme stand right by mexico-that was a nice place-plus if yougo closed down early due to weather it took no time at all to pack up, get back to base and miss the rain
Hmm they must've moved or renamed TT Hot Dog then lol. The only Hot Dog stand that was running when I was there (which was called TT Hot Dog) was the one by the Breezway on the MS side. Turkey was right across from it, and there was an ice cream cart around the corner. Space Pop was also nearby under the monorail tracks.