
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Gail_d1985, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    Is anyone else going on the graduate programme in January? I'm just wondering what sort of jobs we'll have when we get to Disney?
  2. ElisaTonks

    ElisaTonks New Member

    two of the girls who were going in october when i go have transfered to the January group. there is a facebook group - search disney grad program january 2008!!!
  3. thisisme46

    thisisme46 New Member

    wiiiickked finally theres people on this group i've been waiting for more people to say they were goin i was gettin worried i'd be on my own as i had transfered from the octber group time ago and no one seemed to mention this ever!! the jobs are sumed up in the application theres so many different kinds i no im doin ops
  4. ElisaTonks

    ElisaTonks New Member

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