Wonders of Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freckles, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    i LOVED this pavillion and am gutted to see if closed, but what i need to know is..will it re open. i am getting very mixed messages about it.

    "As of December 21, 2007, all attractions except Cranium Command have been removed, Body Wars having been gutted in November."

    "According to disneyworld.com Body Wars and Cranium Command are not closed after January 31, 2008. But as of February 1, 2008, DisneyWorld.com no longer includes the Wonders of Life Pavilion in its registry."

    What does this mean and does anyone know about it?
  2. From what I heard from people who worked there was that it was rented out to people for events and stuff but they may be wrong. I too loved that exhibition and was devastated when i went out there on holiday a couple of years ago and it wasn't there as I hadn't heard that it was going.
  3. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Well in 2006 it was open at Christmas...but no one knew it was so it was pratically empty. I've heard they were removing everything, but then again, who knows!

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