Wierd things that have happened to you since your interview....

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by james_wales, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I know we have all had a few strange/ironic/suggestive disneyish things that have happened to us all since out interviews, which we panic about and think they might be 'signs' from another place!!

    Thought it might be fun to find out what has happened to everyone!!

  2. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Thought I'd be the first to join in the fun on this one... I know a few of you have had things happen, so this should be a pretty good topic!!! Well... as I've mentioned in a previous post (and i seem to recall one of the girls have done this too) I promised myself that when I returned from the Face-2-Face interview, my phone wouldn't leave my side.... hehe.... in the 12 years I've had a phone, I've never forgotten to take it with me as much as I have in the last week!!! eeeeeeek! :eek:

    I too (aswell as you Jess) have spotted my first disney 'aerial topper' in ages and ages on a car passing by... oh and Disney as a whole is featuring more in my dreams nearly every night... I guess my 'occurrences' all have logical explanations for... ie: Sub-conciousness... but what about you guys?
  3. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    P.S - Still waiting for the ghost of Walt to come and sit on my bed though and tell me not to worry...  ;) hehehe
  4. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I have seen aeriel toppers...party due to the fact that i bought one each for my parents cars! It's Newport...and they havent been stolen yet...so i am chuffed!

    Disney does seem to be creeping into everything more since the interview, i might just be more aware of it though because i am constantly in a mode of panic/worry!

    Every time a Disney advert comes on the telly i jump, as if Disney adverts suddenly started depicting scenes from horror films. The bad thing is that i really really want to watch Disney stuff and listen to the music etc..but i just cant bring myself to do it. Tried it a few days ago but the emotions were just too much to handle!

  5. emma

    emma New Member

    hey will u know ur the only guy coming in december!!! congrats 2 u!! i found out yesterday x
  6. Sabrina1981

    Sabrina1981 New Member

    well talking about weird dreams. after i got my email that i was accepted i dreamed that i called in paris to confirm that i take the job. but instead ofgiving me infos they told me that it must have been a mistake and i wasnt even on the waiting list. that dream was so real that i had to think about it for a couple of minutes when i woke up and called as soon as possible to make sure that the dream wasnt real :D
  7. KC

    KC Guest

    If nothing else, I've realised that it is a small world after all.

    Turns out that most everyone I know knows most everyone else I know.

    Teeny tiny miniscule microscopic world...

    Also, in one of the bathroom's in the ORB building at university, someone's graffitied the back of a door with "Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me..."

  8. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    ??? ERR... OK... NOW I DO THINK I AM DREAMING!! :eek:

    Hey Emma... it's news to me! ::)

    I get a sneaky suspision you mean another Will? Err... well 99.9% of me hopes not but the only 0.1% or rationality left is saying it's another Will???

    Ok... I'm slightly in a surreal panic at the mo... Unless you know something I don't - my phone hasn't rung YET!

  9. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Ok Emma I think u really need to come back on here and clear things up before Will has a heart attack! Bloody hell its even got my heart pumping really fast!

    As for strange things happening: as will has already pointed out i have seen a mickey aerial topper – but what i thought was really strange is its the 1st one i have ever seen in my life and it was down my road! I have also had dreams that seemed so so real where i was actually at wdw but was of course very disappointed to wake up and find they were just dreams!

    James – I cant bring myself round to watch disney films yet either!

    I have also started reading more into my horoscopes now everyday and can always make them out to be about this job whether it be in a good way or bad way!

    Oh yeah and thanks to james i also found out that there is a place very near to me which is called Norton Disney. I have lived here for 22 yrs (except the 4 yrs i was at uni) and never ever knew of it til james looked at a map the other day and informed me so thanks James! My parents then told me that that was the place they picked up our first dog from who they got 6 months before i was born so i thought that was a bit special too!
  10. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Good evening Jess :), hope your well.

    Yeah i had a shock when i saw it, didnt see any signs for MK though! Found out from the other post that Walt himself once visited the place, he should have built on it, they wouldnt even have had to change the road signs!

    I was sooo close to you at one point yesterday Jess, Just as we circled Lincoln on the duel carridgeway....gave me a good confidence boost to know i was getting closer to the coolest people i have ever met.

  11. LouRogerson

    LouRogerson New Member

    Hope everyone had a fab weekend, I got far too drunk and spent far too much money on me considering it's not long till crmbo!

    Strange and wonderful things, well Will has already my phone situation of leaving it everywhere, but I've also managed to get into the habit of forgetting to charge it up over night - just as bad!

    I too am seeing Disney aerial toppers, but mine seem to be Stitch, never see it parked everywhere and can't even remember what car it is but every day I see this thing at least once and each and every time it's as if his eyes are following me!

    Best get some work done, it's far too cold in Morecambe today, couldn't see more than 200m on the roads - even more excuse for old people to drive every more slowly.

  12. Lanx-Wales

    Lanx-Wales New Member

    I cant say that I have any dreams about the interview......But I do have an urge to burst out into Disney song in work.......Dont know but "Bear neccessities" always wants to make a debut......I may have to stand in the middle of town and blurt it out just to get it out of my system.....Funny though, I havent seen any Disney adverts since the interview.......Hope everyone is doing good.....

    Lyjanka ;D
  13. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Ok last night i had a dream where i actually found out i got offered a place! It was really weird though, we didnt get a phone call or anything we had to go to this random building and wait for a txt to come through onto our phones telling us whether we had got it or not. When my text came through it had on it a date of when I was going to start. (needless to say i was upset to wake up and find it was only a dream plus i cannot remember the date it said!) :-\
  14. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Hey Jess!

    I've just been to a Disney Reunion in Louth this past weekend and we passed Norton Disney on the way from East Midlands airport! Seemingly it was only called Norton until Walt Disney visited it many years ago and they renamed it Norton Disney. Sure there was more to the story but was pretty drunk at the time it was being told!!!! Really great to see everyone I used to work with out there again!

    Hope you guys are not going too mad playing the waiting game!!! ??? Good luck to you all!!!!

    Laura. ;D
  15. emma

    emma New Member

    oh ok i mean the will thats coming dec 6ht sorry x
  16. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Hey Laura, hope u enjoyed Louth - if u can remember at all! I dont live all that far way from Louth but only been about 5 times i think!
    Thanks for the good luck.
  17. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hey Emma...

    It's ok... My Doctor says I'm making a good recovery... hehehe...

  18. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Scare over with eh?

    Concidering what we have all gone through, we havent had many troubles really have we during the waiting. I expected to be arguing with my parents every day and basically being a bore to live with...but i'm quite content at the moment and plodding along nicely!

    Everyone else ok at the moment?

  19. good topic! Everything that happens now is a "sign"
    Last night I was going to out to walmart but at last minute decided I'd rather stay in and watch telly, so I turned on Family Guy and Stewie was in It's a Small World and then he ran past the world showcase! If thats not a sign I don't know what it...........

    haha, I also am waiting for Uncle Walt to appear and tell me not to worry......
  20. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    I went to a quiz night last night and what was the first round - Disney songs! ;D

    Then this morning at work when i was sorting through the post, my boss had a magazine delivered. And who was on the front page... Mickey! ;D

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