Why you want to go work for Disney...........

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by lovethemouse, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    Hey all, thought id start a thread based on what makes us all want to go to Disney?
  2. jtlewis

    jtlewis New Member

    The experience! :) It would be an amazing opportunity to live out there for a few months and make new friends etc. I've been over to Florida twice before on holiday and absolutely loved Disney World. It would just be a great way to spend my summer months off Uni! :)
  3. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    Kewl! i just thought i completely forgot to put my own reasons down.....

    i could write a whole essay on this by the way..lol

    Yes i think the whole experience to live in the heart of magic,
    To be able to work in a place whwre you know offers the best entertsinments and services
    To be able to add to magic they create for 1000's of people on an everyday basis and to be able to learn how they manage to do it!

    To experience so many cultures and traditions under one roof!
  4. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Too many reasons to list everything but I guess the root of it for me is that it's always been my ambition to work for the Walt Disney Company. My dream was to sing a song for a Disney movie or at least be heavily involved with the music at Walt Disney Feature Animation. I thought that dream was ruined when they announced the closure of the hand-drawn animation in 2002... but it's all back, up and running now. So it could still happen... I think my experience at Walt Disney World is going to be a great stepping stone and whatever happens I'll at least be able to say I've worked for Walt Disney!

  5. jtlewis

    jtlewis New Member

    Yea the cultures and traditions is another great reason as well! It would be awesome interacting with a wide variety of people from all over the world. It's not often you get the opportunity to do that! :)
  6. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    it is such a fantastic opportunity for people to go to. and yes just like you Ben its been my ambition to go and work for Disney all my life. Florida just happens to be my preferance......

    but if not Hammersmith will be my next conquest....
  7. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Exactly the same - except the song bit (not without want, just talent :'( )... I'm studying at music college and I just love music and how it can affect people. Imagine DIsney without music! Impossible! And so I have always been formulating ways to get into working with the music side of things at Disney.
    Why Disney? I can't really describe it easily - would you like the fulll story? It involves me being a rather isolated only child and finding at a very very young age, Disneyworld to be the one place I felt entirely confortable to be me. Of course that love of the world got me into all the other disney paraphernalia and my great fascination with the business as a whole, Walt's philosphophies, how people have taken them on and just generally everything synonomous with the name Disney.... (That didn't do my feelings justice really but yah, I can't really sound even more egocentric can I so I'll stop here before you all hate me!)

    Hm well, there you go, my mini biography, god I could make millions if I was famous...... haha

    I was reading DisneyGibbs' blog and she mentions the CM choir and orchestra - ENCORE it was called i think - anyone know any more about this? I'd love to play in the orchestra! I'd love to sing in the choir too but wah a dsney orchestra would look fab on my cv! not to mention amazing experience I'm sure! xx
  8. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I want to work for Disney because it's home. And there's no place like home right?

    There are now words to describe why I want to work there, except that it's where I belong

    And I would LOVE to sing for Disney...if not in one of their Broadway shows then in the parks! I'd love to be one of the Voices of Liberty!

    Oh and ENCOREs website address is http://www.encorecentral.org/
  9. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    looks like we have some potential singers and imagineers here then???
  10. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Yes I think it's apparent there are quite a few musicians among us! Tiddleypom... I studied music at university... you've made a good choice... you will have a great future ahead of you whatever you decide to do!

    And I would be honoured if anyone wanted to go and listen to some of my music. It's not especially *Disney* but then on this album it was goal to do something real personal. If you like pop music you should appreciate it. Especially the song 'You Don't Know' which my friends dub my breakaway pop hit. Haha. I also won't be offended if you think I'm rubbish. Everyone is entitled to an opinion... but it might hurt my feelings slightly haha.


    I'm going to Florida in January but started work at my local Disney Store today. I'm so happy to be starting the "Disney Experience" early haha. And the training programme... best ever! I am the proud owner of a 'Cast Member Exclusive DVD'. Anything related to Disney is extremely influential on people... I think that's the root to most peoples love of working for the company... to know you are positively impacting others!


  11. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    so true Ben!

    Disney influences people for the better, it is the only place i know of that anyone can enjoy in.

    and me being able to be a part of that is one of the many reasons Disney is my dream job

    ill post you on your music as soon as ive had a mooch round your site!!!
  12. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    I totally agree with the music side of it lol music is my absolute life. Kinda wanna be an Imagineer as well :D just scared about leaving family and friends behind :(

    James ;D :D
  13. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member


    i've handed in my CV to the local Disney Store and I know theyre looking for people - why havn't I heard?! Lol, I don't mind if they say they don;t want me (well, actually I would mind, I'd be heartbroken.) But that aside, Ijut want to know rather than wait and be told no. Plus I want to make sure my CV didnt remain stashed behind the till - but I can't go in and ask surely that'd be offensive! Did it take long to hear from them when you applied? Damn it I wan to work for Disney NOW!
  14. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I handed in my CV to the store in Cheltenham at the beginning of this year, and they never got back to me. I did ask for an application form but they didn't have any. It was very badly organised I think. I went back a few months later and they had no positions. Boo.
  15. cowza

    cowza New Member

    It did take a while actually. I'm trying to think when I handed in my CV. I think it was either just before or just after my interview in London for Walt Disney World so I reckon a good four weeks ago?

    All I knew is I gave up from hearing anything and applied to Debenhams but they called me last Friday... had interview Monday, got offered job Tuesday and had induction yesterday.

    So I wouldn't give in just yet... if you get an interview there's no harm in saying you are going to work at Walt Disney World (if you are... I think you are?). I think it helped me anyway.

    There's probably no harm in going in and asking again. I'm sure they'd appreciate you're enthusiasm and might offer you an interview because of it. I actually missed my call from them and they didn't leave a message... so if I hadn't have recognised the number and rang back I might never have had that interview...

    Yeh I was a bit confused with the applications too. They tell you to hand in a CV but then at my induction yesterday I had to fill out an application form.

    It does depend on your store too. In Cardiff the store is pretty big so they have taken on around 23 extra staff for xmas. If it's a smaller store though I would think they aren't going to take on as many extra staff.
  16. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    It's not to do with 19 entertainment is it? I got a missed call and no message and when I called they said it was 19 entertainment and if i didn't know who i needed to speak to I'd have to wait til they called back :mad: grrr

    I think I'll go and give them a bit of grief later then heh thanks for advice!
  17. cowza

    cowza New Member

    I'm afraid it isn't 19 entertainment (that's like a music management company I think) :-( The store you applied in should telephone you directly.
  18. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    to make dreams come true and create disney magic and memories that last a lifetime for our guests ::) :-X ;D
  19. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    *points to box above* yeh whatever he said :)
  20. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

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