Who's doing the Summer Program this year? (H2B visa?)

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by bluedrops, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. bluedrops

    bluedrops New Member

    I applied for the summer program (the H2B visa one). I would have liked to work at the WDW for 3 to 4 months, during my summer break from my uni. However, today I called International Services just to check whether they have recieved my application or not, because I hadn't gotten any confirmation or response from them.

    In their advertisement they said that you'd be able to work for 3-7 months, but on the phone they said that they're not hiring anyone for less than 7 months. Is this true? I've heard people on this forum talking about going this summer, during their break from school, Are you going on a different type of visa? ??? How can it be called a summer program if it lasts 7 months? :D

    I'm kind of sad and dissapointed now, since I was really excited about the program (well, who isn't...) and I spent two days working on my application, writing my cover letter and tailoring my CV to Disney :'(
  2. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    the h2b program last year ran from may til november, with substitutes for drop outs taking up places for 2months sep - nov.

    the summer program that lasts for 3 months is the college program, which u have to be a returning student for
  3. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    i apply for that too!
    but have my interview past october but we dont get offers until april :-\, so maybe they made other interviews in march too for this program with the CRP ;)

    Jilly how it works the substitues? cuz when i apply the information was that the dates will be in january so that fit exactly with my uni semester but now im see all say may (and its january now and still dont have an answer) and in may i have clases! but september will work for me (even its only 2 months...) so i can ask to be substitute... and in that program many persons drop out?
  4. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Yeah, the one in the summer break (5th or 24th June- 31st August) is the J1 visa and you have to be inbetween university years to go on it...
  5. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    but i apply for H2B!!!

    im so confusing now!!!! lol well i will wait for the answer in april... :-\
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i think in our circumstance they only took ppl on because so many ppl had dropped out

    i dont even know if this info is correct, all i know is that wen we recieved our visa forms, they said on them that it was a substitution for someone who didnt do the program due to personal circumstance, so we all assumed we were substiutions
  7. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    well i will have to wait a responce and ask for it... if i alredy wait year and a half i can do it again! :p
  8. bluedrops

    bluedrops New Member

    So... Do you mean that some of the H2B-people dropped out in August and then were replaced by the substitutes? From which program did people drop out? ??? did people get terminated or did they just quit?
  9. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    to be honest i have noooo idea at all, all i kno is that the petition thing for the visa (i797) letter to the embassy said something along the lines of Please susbtitute Carolina somebody or other for Jillian Dailly. Carolina will not be participating for personal reasons

    or something like that.

    i kno that the H2B visa was due to start in may, a lot of canadians wen in June, then all the UK ppl who went did it from sep - nov.
  10. bluedrops

    bluedrops New Member

    Okay, thank you so much, Jilly, for clearing things up a bit :) I just want to do the program sooo bad, but I probably can't take time off from school... have to look in that option too, though, if I can't come up with anything else! I guess I'll have to phone International Services again and ask them about the International College Program.

    Funny that they're that strict about the dates at WDW though, I worked at Disneyland Paris last summer, and they first suggested a 3-month contract for me, but I told them that I would only be able to work for two months, so the gave me a 2-month contract instead :) But on the other hand, you don't need visas or work permits or stuff like that to go to France if you're an EU citizen... so the paperwork is much less complicated.
  11. AbeWalrus

    AbeWalrus New Member

    i'll be doing this program!

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