who is replacing me!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I cannot believe that a year has passed and that in just 14 days, ill be back in the UK! It feels like just last week that my arrival group was flying of for a year away on December the 4th 2007-and now its time to come home :-\

    Believe me people, if you get rejected apply again, if you get accepted and have second thoughts-get past it, and if you come out here and feel homsick(which you WILL), deal with it-you will have an experience that will stay with you for life, you will meet people who will completely change in the course of a year, and who will completely change you in the course of a year. you will experience ups and downs, but at the end of your time here, you will look back on it all, and realise that the ups outweigh the downs 100-1. Dont waste a minute, dont let Disney screw you over(which they will try-your a number to them, nothing else), and above all, remember the people-and keep in touch with the ones who make your year special, because its the people you will miss, not the work-its the way of life, and the people you share that life with that make your experience what it is.

    Now, as i leave on 28th November, who is going to be replacing my arrival group-whose arriving around that time of year? Me and 5 others are leaving F&B on the 26th-next Wed, and we have to be out of the commons by the Friday, then some others from our arraival group will be leaving 4 weeks later-the ones who asked for extensions to their contract?

    Seriously guys, all the hassle over visas and flights and insurance will be forgotten withing a week of arraiving, and this place will soon become your home
  2. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    There is quite a few of us. 13 people from the UK as it shown on the Visa. I am from Canada but if you want to see those from the UK who are taking your place you can find them in the Dec. 2nd arrivals in the other part of the forum.

    It is sad when people leave but I know I wanna do the same as you next year. See who is taking my place and tell them whatever advice I can. :) So thank you , perhaps the others will find this but encase they done we got a larger thread in the other part of the forum about Dec. 2nd arrivals. So you can see better there all those who are arriving.

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