who decides?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by rachet, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. rachet

    rachet New Member

    just wondering, after the face to face interviews who actually decides if you get the job? the people from yummyjobs, the person who interviewed you, or a combination of the two? since i think one liked me more than the other did haha
  2. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    I'm pretty sure its the American people that interview you seeing as it will be them you are working for.

    I'm not sure if maybe yummy have an input before the interview, but the Americans decide as they go away and think about it and then let yummy know. This is why it can take a while for you to find out.

    I think yummy whittle the bulk down to just the peeps at the interview but after that who knows :)

  3. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    I hope its the american people two. I don't think Jason particuly liked me (or was scared of me) he did give me a few funny looks lol Beth seemed to be impressed with me though (touchwood) but you can never tell with interviews and what she thought of everyone else. Good luck to everyone yesterday and I hope to see you all in febuary!

    Stockers -x-
  4. rachet

    rachet New Member

    thats the thing im not sure if beth was really impressed with me! i mean i think my answers were fine, but i dont think i stood out in any way, and she didnt seem to ask too much into the answers i gave :(
  5. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Seriously try not to over analyse...I know its hard but try.

    I came out of my interview and burst out crying...I hated it and din't get anything from Julie who interviewed me. Beth, one of my friends, had hers right after me and came out the exact same way. A couple of peeps who had theirs with her came out loving it and one of them got turned down. I got called only 2 days after my interview and so did Beth so we obviously made the right impression despite thinking not.

    It's really hard to know what they think...so just keep your fingers crossed and try not to worry :)

    Good Luck

  6. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    I felt like that, about the not getting anything back from them, I mean. But I also got the impression that she was sticking to a list of set questions and not really veering off of it at all, which was a bit odd. Maybe I just didn't say anything you could veer off with..!

    And hey, at least they didn't ask you a question, to which you started answering, realised you were talking crap, were quite, waffled on about faulty products for a bit, then stopped and your mind went blank and you were just sat there like 'OK... I really can't think of an example... I'm sorry... (Long akward pause)... Yeah, I'm sorry..." ARGH!

    God I hate interviews...
  7. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    I've taken to the thinking that I thought I awnsered the questions to my best ability and I've tried my hardest to impress, which is very difficult to do over 15 mins, and If I get in I will consider myself lucky. I've found that I worry less about it knowing I've tried my best and that I've done very well to get to the interviews. If I was going to be over critical about my interview it would possibly be that I was maybe to over the top and pushy, I found that I was awnsering the other persons questions when they finished and at the end as she was about to let us go I kind of stopped her and showed her my letter of recommendation. I don't know how she will react to that but my fingers are crossed and If I don't get in this time....theres always another day ;). Best of Luck and I'm sure you will be fine.... ;D

    Stockers -x-
  8. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    See that's the attitude to have :) Sadly I'm one of those people who likes to think the worst, so then nothing's a disappointment. But yeah, at least I got to the interview stage and I think I mentioned a few things that 'big me up' a little (like I did a World Challenge expedition, so waffled on about having responsibility and independence and learning new skills for a while when she asked me the travelling question- I thought that was such a random question to ask, actually! Surely it doesn't make much of a difference whether you've been travelling or not?? I mean, at first I was just listing places thinking, what does she want from this, then I realised... hang on... I can actually say something good here and started waffling on about that. But yeah, if I hadn't done that then what would be the point of that question?! Anyone want to enlighten me :) ;)?

    Anyway, what I was going to say was, I totally admire that way of thinking Stockers :) Really wish I could be that positive! *Fingers crossed for everyone* :)
  9. rachet

    rachet New Member

    that world challenge thing sounded like a good answer!! i just told her places id been where i wanted to go, and what i did in the last place id been. but then the person i was being interviewed with totally upstaged me by having been more places haha! they asked us the same questions the entire interview, dont know if that was a good or bad idea. dont think i did great but no point dwelling i guess. its just hard not to!
  10. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    They asked you the same questions?! They asked us similar ones, but they were different enough that you couldn't steal one another's answers. I felt really bad about the travelling one, though- the only one we got that was exactly the same- I'm really lucky and we go away quite a bit, and the girl I was interviewing with hadn't been anywhere outside of England (thank God I answered before her, though, I wouldn't have known what to say if she'd gone first...). But I hope that doesn't make any difference either way, like if you've had loads of travelling experience so they think you don't need any more, or if you have none so they think you wouldn't hack it- that would be a bit unfair...

    I wish they didn't interview you in pairs for these kind of reasons though...
  11. LoopyLoo

    LoopyLoo New Member

    Let me know when you hear anything as my son has just had his interview at Huddersfield Uni and he said it was weird being interviewed in pairs I am sure you will have done just fine. :)
  12. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i also think the inteview went splat for me unfortunately altho i did win a prze in the trivia hehe.

    i didnt like interviewing in pairs because i felty really awkard also they asked the other girl first all the time and i kept thinking damn i wish they'd asked me that!!!

    i dont think jason from yummy like me either coming back the girl i interviewed with said she worked for 118 and didnt like the way people foned up to yell at her and i said i didnt like that being yelled at on the fone and jasn piped in with stuff about how working for disney u get yelled at all the time by custoers and stuff. all i meant was that i dont like it when people do it on the fone because it's really hard to follow what they are so angry about or gauge a proper response and stuff whereas when ur face to face its easier because u can see their expressions and stuff. but he kinda blanked me after that. heres hoping the americans choose altho i dont think i particularly stood out at interview either!
  13. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    Thanks elusive moose! At the moment my posistivity is high but the longer this wait to find out occurs it may start to drag on a bit and get me down, I would be good to know asap but it never is that simple I guess. I got asked the travel question as well, I'm guessing it was to see if we were well travelled and to see if we were comfortable in foregin countries and possible to test our cultural knowledge a little bit, but thats only a guess. Its still abit wierd to me that the interview is all over and it was a bit gutting I didn't get to know you guys a bit better but hopefully we will all be there in Feb. Fingers crossed ;)

    Stockers -x-
  14. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    It would be June for me, but yeah, you never know!

    Anyway, totally OT but toddlystock, I just noticed you're from Banbury! Sorry, I'm an Oxfordian and get excited about little things like that :p OK, I know you're like... half an hour away, but hey, same county :p Annnnnnnnnd back on track now...
  15. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    haha stockers im sure i heard them say ur name when they were reading out the interviews i remember a name similar being called and i was like hmm i wonder if thats the guy off wdwip hehe

    this waiting is going to kill me and the worse thing is everyone keeps asking me how it went ugh!
  16. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Know the feeling... 3 weeks is a loooooooooong time! I'm already checking my e-mail a bit too obsessively, even though I know I won't hear anything yet!!
  17. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Sorry for the double post... Anyway, I didn't want to start a new thread about this BUT does anyone know whether it's possible to change your preferences of positions to work in? Or is best to wait to see if you've got the job and then speak to them about it if that works out? My first choice is still the same, mind, it's just my second.
  18. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

  19. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Can't have been me- I was at the Cardiff interviews (I'm at uni there)! Looks like there were a lot of Oxfordians interviewing though! I'm from South/East Oxford, though- Boris Johnson-constituency-area :D:D

    And I think it's e-mail- they said to MAKE SURE YOUR E-MAIL IS LEGIBLE because that's how they'll contact you about things, but then they said something about getting initial contact through the post, so I'm not completely sure...
  20. rachet

    rachet New Member

    will do! who was your son out of interest, since i was at the huddersfield interviews too, and wonder if he was one of the guys i spoke to?

    and elusive moose, i want to know about the preferences too! changed my mind about something, although to be fair im happy doing anything so its no big deal if i cant change it.

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