While we are waiting...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by pinkspideruk, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Out of interest what is everyone putting for their first choice for the UK (assuming we all get through)?
    Merch / HRC / F&B?

    If I get through I would like to do F&B again and I most deffo do not want to do HRC
  2. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    F&B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    merch 2nd
    and HRC 3rd -but honestly there is no chance id ever do hrc!

    Id consider merch, but im a F&B girl ;D

    (before anyone gets panicky tho, we havent actually had to put these into any preference yet with yummy jobs or anything, that happens at the f2f interview!!)
  3. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    1st: Merch- have experience in retail so makes the most sense

    2nd: HRC- would probably have to do a bit of research on this one as I'm not entirely sure what it involves, not much online so maybe previous CMs can help? Sounds interesting and I'm a bit of a loser and have researched all my family history so it might be something I'd enjoy, but then again if people are saying they'd definitely not want to do it then maybe not!!

    3rd: F&B- as of yet have no experience in this area so although I'd quite like to give it a go makes more sense to do something I have experience in.
  4. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    hrc - well for this one you work within the shops in the uk pavillion and you talk to guests about their family history (going by the surname) and show them family crests and stuff, and they can buy things like clan badges and crests and stuff, would be really interesting if that something that you have an interest in already,and you work along side the merch team :) the only reason i dont think id ever do it is because its just not something i think id be good at, ive never dont anything like it before and never really had a huge interest in history or anything,but thats just me! would be a great place to work if you had an interest tho :)

    yeah, think it makes sense then for you to try for merch as a 1st choice, same with me for F&B :) both have advantages, for merch theres the opportunity to have more time to chat with guests and to interact with the kids in the kid cot area, and i know that in merch you usually get at least 2 days off a week, sometimes 3 a week when theres a lot of staff so theres lots of free time to go out and do stuff away from work ;D
  5. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    This is what I found out about it & put in my blog "Within The Historical Research Center or HRC its based instore selling family crests/shirts etc and researching a familys history. It is a seperate company from Disney and is run by a local company in Kissimmee. Further informatin can be found here: www.historicresearch.com."

    But back to the question, I have alotta experience in retail so that would be my first choice followed by F&B then HRC.
  6. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    I had no idea what HRC was before I read this post!
    Right now I'm leaning more towards F&B. I'm thinking it'd be faster paced, and you'd probably get more opportunities to speak to guests and interact with different people. I may be wrong though...
    I worked in a restaurant for 3 years, but I've been in retail for almost 3 years now so I've pretty much had the same amount of experience for F&B & merch.
    So to sum up... F&B/ merch/ HRC?? :)
  7. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah F&B is much faster paced than the rest but id say that in merch you get more time to talk to your guests, in f&b its so fast that to be honest much of the time is spent running around in and out of the kitchen, talking to the chefs about your orders, putting all your orders into the tills and taking drinks to tables etc, when its busy (99% of the time!) you dont have the time to really stand and really chat with your tables..... id say in merch you would have more time, as you can chat with people when they are looking around the shop and trying things on, when they are with their children at kidcot and stuff...

    at the end of the day its all about personal preference really and experience, put down whatever you feel most drawn to as your first choice (altho theres no guarantee that anyone will get their first choice!)
  8. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    I'm thinking I'd probably be more comfortable in F&B then, I feel I work better when I've got loads of running around to do. Not saying the merch people don't do anything! I can just imagine it being a bit more laid back.
    I'm not sure if I've just missed the comments, but most people on this board seem to have done F&B. Maybe hearing about how much people have enjoyed it is swaying my opinion.
    Anyways, it's always good to hear from the people who've already been over there :)
    Waiting to hear about the F2Fs is killing me, and its only been 3 days since my phone interview!
  9. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Thanks for the info! Yeah HRC sounds like something I might enjoy, although I think I'll keep it as 2nd choice because I'd quite like to do merch aswell, I like the idea of having more interaction with the guests.
    But having said that F&B would be a new challenge, something I've never done before so any position I got would have me over the moon lol
  10. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    I think we all know how you feel ;D & its not fair all the Canadians are getting their confirmation F2F emails...

    I want one... haha
  11. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah very true, all we can do is wait and see what happens now really!!!! ;D any thing that happens i can asure you that your going to have an amazing year so dont worry about it too much!!!!! :D

    also just want to say (and im saying this simply for information!) that for F&B please everyone dont just pick it as a way to make so called "easy money" ----- yes, there is the opportunity to get into a tipped service position BUT there is no guarantee that you will get into a tipped position and you have to work very very hard in order to get in and stay in, so its by no means an easy option for some extra cash!!!!! its very hard work and leaves very little time for other stuff (i worked 6 day weeks for about 3 months during my year, and usually i worked about 4 or 5 all day shifts each week,would get home from work on the bus about 11pm and literally fall into bed and get up and do it all again the next day!!) dont get me wrong, i had a great year but i saw so many people quit because they just couldnt handle the pace/pressure of F&B. so my advice is to just think about it carefully and pick whats best for you!! :)
  12. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Hehee honestly I feel that checking my emails and the yummyjobs website everyday is unhealthy for me.
    Like you said, we're all going through the same wait and hopefully it'll be good news for everyone here ;D

    I think choosing your position based on your work preferences and not money is really good advice! The hours sound long and I can imagine that you really have to be dedicated to the job itself, and not just be in it for the money or just to be in Disney World. 6 day weeks for 3 months must have been crazy! I bet it must have been mental around the holiday times!
    It's reassuring to see people reapplying for the CRP though. Shows that it was a brill experience if people want to go back, 1 year obviously isn't long enough :)
  13. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah, i left in 2008 and to be honest i dont think i could have gone back before now, its such an amazing year but pretty intense and i think you need to take time to kinda decompress after you get home,it takes some time to really appreciate it as it all goes so fast while your there! i think for me personally going back any sooner would have been too hard, but thats just a personal preference. it is an incredible experience and i wouldnt change any of it for the world, its an amazing year full of highs (and yes, some lows) and noone will ever be able to fully understand what its like until they have been there and done it for themselves (big up the 2007/2008 crew!!!!!)

    yup, it got crazyyyyy busy at times, thanksgiving was INSANE,i think we must have done something like 800 covers between opening and 5pm....madness, same as new years eve, total chaos!!! but awesome fun!!!!! one things for sure, there is never a dull moment!!!!!

    i have my fingers crossed for everyone, getting into this program is amazing and i may sound like a total geek but id say it is pretty lifechanging....i know so many people from my year who are now married, or have set up home and have now got children with people they met on the program.....pretty incredible really....... :)
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Hey folks! Personally I would choose F+B, Merch, then HRC. Anddddd not sure if anyone else got asked In their phone interview, but Hannah asked what position preference I have whilst on the phoneterview :p!!
  15. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Wow - Gary, I never got asked that. That's good for you!

    I don't know if I dare to dream that far - after thinking about it all night, I don't think my interview went well.... but I think I'd prefer F+B.... I don't know. :S
  16. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    yeah i got asked about my preference on the phone interview aswell, in the face to face tho you have to actually put down on paper what you want to do and then during the f2f you get asked about your reasons.
  17. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Oh no! This isn't sounding too good for me is it!?? Who else got asked about a preference on their phone interview?
  18. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    I didn't! But I did ramble on about all my retail experience so maybe that was a clue on what I would prefer to do. Don't worry about it I don't think at this point its essential.
  19. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    P.S I have noo idea why I wrote Hannah (maybe because I was reading so many of u was interviewd by her!)But Amy actually took my interview! My bad! :p

    And no I don't think its a bad thing for you at all! I never got to sit on the phone talking and laughing about anything like some of the others did, mine was just questions, answers, goodbye, haha(from what I can remember) so everyones interview will be different! Don't worry :)
  20. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Thanks - I've just asked you in the other thread. Lol. I worry about the slightest little thing... I really hope you're right. :)

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