Which Mobile Phone???

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by hackettboi, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hi There Folks... *in my best mickey mouse voice*

    I need some help... I'm having a good clear out at home at the mo, and have decided to get rid of alot of stuff as I never use it anymore. In amongst all this stuff that I'll probably end up selling on ebay are two mobile phones, I've already sold two old ones on ebay, and I kinda wondered which one out of these two to keep... It's between my Nokia 6230 or my old Panasonic X70... Both of them have served me loyally but I only wanna keep/use one of them... So... please help me out... which one should stay and which one should I sell??

    Incidentally, all the money I get from having this clearout is going to a couple charities as I think it's nicer that way. Please Please Please help me out here. Thanks in advance. ;)

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