So I've read that if you're doing the CRP that you will be put in The Commons no matter what. Is this true? Not that it really matters to me but it would be cool to know in advance. I just heard that the commons was strictly for Cultural Reps.
yes this is true. During times where they have ALOT of arrivals (early march, june, sept, dec) sometimes they run out of room at the comoons, so they put you in Chathem Square (and rarely in Vista Way) temporarily and move you into the commons asap Usually never more than a month before you get into the commons. I was lucky and got into the commons right away but the groupy after me, half of them were in vista for 5 weeks!
You might not be placed in the commons! I've heard they're building a new complex called Patterson Court, and there's a big chance you'll be placed there. It depends on when you're leaving though.
I would just like to be more of a creep and look into the buildings more. I've even been looking at people's youtube videos of the houses and stuff. When they move you to the commons if you're in another building do they move you with the same people? That would suck if you ended up getting used to the people you are living with and then they throw you in another apartment. with different people.
The chance of you getting to live with the same people when being move is very small! Because people in the same apartment rarely leave at the same time.
All five of my roommates have been here a for different amounts of times. Also at the first couple of days of training they inform you that the likely hood of you moving between buildings in the commons at least a couple of times is very very high. So dont get too used to one particular place. Cus that could change in a heartbeat. and you most likely wont be put with the same people. If beds become available they will put one of you in one apartment and another in another. I was talking to a friend who was living with his partner but they had to move due to incoming and got slit up. So you know. Anyway its cool. You meet people really fast. And We are heading to Traditions tomorrow morning. So its an early start and full day but finally we get to get into the parks I cant wait.
Hiya good luck with traditions tomorrow!!!if you havent had it before its quite a long day I dont envy you, however i go back in sept so il be doing it all over again!!! Actually From what i can remember though getting social security was the most time consuming long day i suppose this will seem easy xxxx
Social security didn't take long for us But Discovery day was best! Do we have to do that over again too? Does anyone know?
Cool! Not that I want all of it again, but Epcot Discovery day is so cool, especially when we go around the park ;D and with the fountain show and everything Oh, and spaceship earth!
Traditions Was great! Discovery Day was even better. I'm having a wonderful time. Spent all day today at animal Kingdom. So much fun. And my Pal Mickey has been giving me all sorts of cool info. LOL I'm a dork. GRIN. Anyway I have to run. I'm still wearing wet clothes from Kali River Rapids so I'm gonna get changed. have a great evening.
on both my icps i lived with others on the icp, however alot of people are mixed together with people from different countries, different programs spread around the different housing complexes. its just the luck of the draw. you'll find out where you will be living when you arrive at orlando airport!
it just all sounds like fun. {People who have been there to you have a favourite complex? I know Vista is the oldest but i also heard its the best.
omg NO WAY the commons ROCKS the most most most everyone there agrees. Everyone from Chatham and Vista wishes they could party with us till 5am every night haha honestly though, the commons is the newest and nicest and funnest!