When can UK applicants next apply?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Leanneuk, May 15, 2011.

  1. Leanneuk

    Leanneuk New Member

    Hey Guys

    Ive just come back from from Holiday at Disney World Florida yesterday, and immediatly went online to work out a way of getting back out to orlando and came across this site!

    Does anyone know when Yummy Jobs is next accepting applications from the UK?

    Thanks a lot
  2. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

  3. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    It'll probably be the end of June/beginning of July for the UK ICP
  4. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Since the current round of applications (applicants from January) are applying for places starting January-October 2012, I imagine the next round of UK applications would cover the second half of 2012. I've heard they'll open up in July, but I can't remember where I heard this from, so definitely don't quote me on that one!
  5. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Whoops. Sorry. Just going by what the website says. Apparently they haven't updated in a while.
  6. FinchN9

    FinchN9 New Member

    Hey I rang up a couple of days ago to ask, seeing as I shall soon be treking around America so wanted to make plans if it looked like I would be away for any part of the process. Was told by a couple of people at Yummy Jobs that they will be looking at opening the application process around August time. :)

    Hope that helps!
  7. katie87

    katie87 New Member

    yeah sure does help me thanks! So, now we know when they are likely to re open the UK applications, do we know when the successful people would be likely to head out there? I'm going to be 24 in the summer and I feel like I'm getting a bit old to be waiting round, :( especially if it's going to be another year or more to wait!
  8. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    End of 2011 and first half of 2012
  9. katie87

    katie87 New Member

    ohh not THAT long then! i was worrying it might be late 2012 or 2013 but glad it's not ;D
  10. FinchN9

    FinchN9 New Member

    Information I was given waaaaaas, open the apps around August, start interviews around Jan looking at heading out there end of 2012 begining of 2013.

    Again! Hope that helps. =P Sure it will! Yet if you get through sure it will be worth the wait!

    I'm feeling a bit stop starty work wise, heading out to America for 2 months end of Aug then hopefully again end of 2012 if i get through. Between them going to have to find a job! Having just finished uni, I am jobless! Hope you go ahead with applying!
  11. FinchN9

    FinchN9 New Member

    Disney-dude, thats for the apps going through at the moment right? Pretty sure it is.

    The next set of apps in aug is end 2012, early 2013.

    (Sorry double post!!)
  12. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Yeah sorry thought that was what was meant.
  13. FinchN9

    FinchN9 New Member

    No worries! Wanted to double check myself there, thought the lady may have given me the wrong info!
  14. Leanneuk

    Leanneuk New Member

    Hi Katie87

    Ive just turned 24 and will be applying in july/ august as well, so u wont be the only oldie out there if we both get to go!

  15. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    There are people older than that applying and currently there
  16. meelie

    meelie New Member

    Very true. I'll be 24 out there and I'm one of the younger ones in my application group.
  17. FinchN9

    FinchN9 New Member

    If I get out there I will be 22, so I will be a baby by the sounds of it! =P
  18. katie87

    katie87 New Member

    Righttt I see! Think I've got it now! Ok well I'm glad I won't be too old then! Ha. Just feel old with all my friends being married, having kids etc etc and I want to go work at Disney!!

    FinchN9 I Finished Uni last year and have yet to find a "proper" job. Even if I do get one (which I do hope I will!!) I am still going to apply and would give it up for this, definitely! ;D
  19. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Ha ha I was 19 when I did the program :D
  20. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    I'm definitely gonna apply in August if applications do open again at this time. I applied this year in January but didn't even make it to the phone interview. But I have got a part-time job now and have gained retail experience. I'm 21 right now :)

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