when can i apply?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by raxi, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. raxi

    raxi New Member

    Im from the UK and am really interested in the cultural rep program, ive jus come back from florida and have spoken to loads of people that had gone through the program

    but im only 16 and i need to know when i actually need to apply?
    basically i just need someone to point me in the right direction and let me know how i really need to start things off!

    many thanks to anyone that can help me! =]
  2. Rach mickey mouse

    Rach mickey mouse New Member

    I have just applied for the Cultural Rep program and i'm from the UK!
    As far as i know, you could probably apply now and have the interviews and stuff, BUT you can't start working there until you are 18!! I applied about a month ago...i'm 17, but i'm 18 next week and i was told they would be in contact in Januray for my telephone interview dates and things.
    I went to college to fill out the years before i was 18!!
    Hope this is of some help...
    Rach x
  3. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    hi i worked in disney world for a few months in the summer and if you go to www.yummyjob.com when you start university or turn 18 they help you get out there, but like said above you need to be at least 18
  4. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    when i was emailing yummy jobs in the uk before i was 18 they said i couldnt apply until i was 18 because of all the visa's but i have heard of people going to hte face to face interiew at 17 ( i think) and then shortly after turning 18.... in time for all visa etc
  5. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    as long as your 18 when you apply for the visa i think is the important thing
  6. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    i think the most importsnt thing is that you are 18 when you go to get your visas, i have heard of some people going for the interviews before they are 18 and they have got through!

    what you have to do is contact yummy jobs they are the recruiters for Disney. They will give you a phone interview first ( the next ones are in January) and then if successful will invite you to the face to face interviews in march... if successful its full steam ahead and on to Disney!!! Its a long long long process as many hear about but its going to be worth it!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

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