When are application dates?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Piglet, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Sorry haven't been on this forum before and i've just recently been debating the CRP, I was just wondering when you have to apply and when the program starts? I know with the ICP you apply in August for the following summer, is it similar with the CRP?

    I'm starting my final year in September 2012 so i'd be available anytime after around June 2013. Is there a time limit aswell for how soon you have to do it after you graduate?

    Thanks guys hope you can help :) x
  2. ScottishJen

    ScottishJen Member

    Applications for the CRP open in November and close in January. Last time our pre selection interview was at the end of January, the second interview was in the middle of Feb and then we waited until 9th of March to be told that we had got the job or that we needed to wait until the end of June to hear if we got it. On the 20th June they then told more people that we had got the job and told the rest that they needed to wait until August, and they are still waiting now to hear.

    There's a lot of waiting.

    There is no way of knowing if/when you will go. Some people have 12 months notice, some people have 3 weeks notice. They do ask when your available but if you say "asap" it makes no difference as they don't always take that into account. They've also offered people a leaving date that is earlier than they were available.

    The CRP is unlike the ICP in that you can go anytime, it doesn't need to be right after your graduation. The big requirements are that you are over 18 for the interview and can authentically represent your country! :)
  3. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    oh thats fine then I just didn't know if there was an expiry date yknow like for ICP if you graduate in June 2013 then you need to do the program pretty much straight away and not the following year.. So if I apply around November if I decide to go for it then I can just say i'm available from July 2013 and that'll be fine right :) Awesome sounds fun, thanks for your help! But one more little question just incase u know lol My boyfriend graduated in July 2011, would he be eligible to apply too? x
  4. ScottishJen

    ScottishJen Member

    Yup, he can apply too, but if you both get an interview then I wouldn't let YJ or Disney be aware that you are a couple as it's something they don't really approve of. You can only have one application at a time so if your applying for the ICP you will need to have finished the interview process before you try for the CRP :)
  5. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    That's weird I wonder why that is :s but yeh I don't think he'll apply I just wondered if it would be an option :) I want the CRP ideally but because i'm over in Vegas during the period they usually do the interviews i've gotta prepare myself for not even being available for an interview :( lol if that happens it's nice to know the CRP could be a possibility :) x
  6. Hippymeow

    Hippymeow Member

    "Applications for the 2013 Program are now open and will close on the 28th September 2012. Please note that this date is subject to change."
    Boo! I was gonna apply for this if i didnt get into the ICP, looks like we'll have to wait until next year for that!
  7. KatieD

    KatieD New Member

    Anyone know why this is? My husband I are are both thinking of applying. I emailed YJ to ask if we should mention in our applications that the other is applying as should we be successful we would ideally like to go together. They recommended that we DO mention it in each other's applications though they couldn't guarantee that we would be able to get same start date IF we were both successful. They also said the married accommodation is usually reserved for US applicants so IF we were both successful we would probably still have to live in the single sex accommodation or take it up with Disney to ask if we could live in married quarters.

    Just wondered why being a couple is frowned on or if anyone had any experience of this?

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