whats best?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Amy_99, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    What do you think is the best job.
    I currently work in a pub so moving to another pub in a different country would be easy but should i go for the change?
  2. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    depends on what you like most....i loveeeeeee food and beverage therefor i think food and beverage is the best! but others mite like working in retaill..therefor they'll tell yah merch is the best!
  3. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    I'm biased towards merch....as that's what I currently do in the UK pavilion...I absolutely love it! :D

    The decision is yours, but be warned that if you don't like what you get, it's quite difficult to change over unless you're really lucky!

    Ellen xxx :D
  4. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Yay for merch! I love it too... Theres only around 25 of us plus HRC so we all know each other which is nice. It all depends what u prefer. i think it definately makes the year better if u pick the job that suits u most.
  5. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    If you already work in a pub, your best chance to get a job would be F&B...and then you'll make the big bucks. I worked Merch, but that is all I ever did and know I would NOT have liked F&B. They hire more people for F&B, so your chances are better.

  6. JRD

    JRD New Member


    Its simple really, if you want to make a hell of a lot of money (on average $100 a day in service) but also have quite a stressful and competative job then do f & b. If you want to get payed enough to get by and do trips and mess about all day but get bored sometimes then choose merch. They both have advantages and disadvantages, i did merch and have some of the best memories just from messing around in work but the people in f & b did have a hell of a lot more money than me!

    So choose what u would prefer... If ur a person who enjoys a challenge and likes to always be busy and sometimes stressed then choose f & b. If you want the chance to be able to relax around guests and interact with them in a non-stressful environment but sometimes be bored choose merch.
  7. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    everyone has said that f&b make laods moer money so thats always good but alot of pl ahve said merch is better cos its less stressful- especially round lunch and dimnner times - im f&b ;D
  8. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    i told jason in my phone interview i wouldnt mind doing either but would probably prefer doing merch as have enjoyed that better than f&b in the past so fingers crossed ellen and marie i will be joining you merchies in March (or maybe even before as Jason asked if i would be able to go in Dec if i was successful and I said of course the sooner the better) :D
  9. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    Cool thanks guys. I think ill stick with f&B as i love rushing around and being stressed, it make things alot more fun, plus im used to it working in a busy city centre bar ;D cheers guys ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    thats good jess - always a good sign ;D
  11. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    yah i love always being busy...makes the time go by SOO fast!
  12. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Yay Jess! That'd be great if u get to come and join us in december! Fingers crossed for you. And good luck Amy!
  13. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    good luck everyone ;D
  14. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    Yeh good luck to everyone, im so excited, ive only sent my cv in, but i cant wait ive been telling eveyone, although i dont know if i should because incase i dont get in. Ahhh :(AHHHHHHHHH so excited and scared :)

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