What Universities are People from in the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney_mad_2008, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. hello everyone!

    just wondering is there anyone else from the University of Nottingham who's applied or been accepted?

    do some universities send more people than other? where are people from?


    ian xx

    PS: "i'm hugh stu 'till i die" - don't worry, just a nottingham thing!
  2. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    I'm from the royal college of music and nobody else has ever even heard of the iea of working at disney!

    Do you know Joyce Li? she's at nott doing psy

  3. hey

    hmmmm, i don't know her off hand. is she in her 1st year? what halls is she in? i've got a few friends on the psy course, so i can ask around. is she a WDWIPer?

  4. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'm at the University of Gloucestershire... Disney programs have been known here for quite a few years.. we're well in with Yummy LOL
  5. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    I'm at Huddersfield. A few people here have done the summer program, we get emails every year about them. Very few people seem to know about the year programs though (very few people take me seriously when i tell them i've applied!!)
  6. leeds disney fan

    leeds disney fan New Member

    I"m from Leeds Met uni, and wanted to do the J1 programme this year as part of my course but due to something happening to the students who did it last year 06/07 the uni pulled out of the interviews so am hoping to do the summer programme next year and then the graduate programme in 2010
  7. Cool, i love hearing about these!
  8. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    Hey I'm at the University of York at the min, I've applied for the CRP for this year!
  9. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Hi Guys, I'm at the University of Chichester and have applied for CRP Autumn 2008.

    Nobody at my uni seems to know about these programs and most people think I'm kidding about working in WDW for a year. I always get the same reaction - people joking about me dressing up as Mickey Mouse!! ::)
  10. Heya all,

    I am at Lancaster University and there are two of us taking part in the this summer's icp.
  11. Lol! This is brill!

    But, have we got any more peeps from Nottingham?? Past, present or future! Anyone going for Summer Program 08?

  12. VickiG

    VickiG New Member


    I went to Lancaster, graduated last year - what colleges are you from??

  13. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    Same goes! I now have to start off by saying 'i've applied to work in disney world BUT not as a character....' before they get the chance to ask! lol
  14. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    I used to be at universty of aberdeen which doesnt have any links with disney. I organised my summer program through yummy jobs last year.
    And I'm at robert gorden university in aberdeen this year which is sending about 30 people over next august. Thankfully I am one of the 30 hehe.
  15. I'm in County. I'm not sure which college she's in - not met her. It was my tutor who told me that there was someone else doing it. Supposidly she was at the same interview as well but I didn't recognise her. What college were you in/
  16. VickiG

    VickiG New Member

    I was surprised that Lancaster people were going, I'd never heard of any of the programmes whilst I was there!

    I was in Lonsdale
  17. Fettes girl

    Fettes girl New Member

    I went to UCL and graduated last year (God last year already!) and had never heard of the program before I saw it on Milkround. Would have been so cool do have gone for the summer programs - then i wouldn't have spent mine in the middle of the Virginia woods!!
  18. I never heard about it from uni. Don't really know where I heard about the programme, I just wanted to work there and looked on the disney careers website. They definetly aren't affiliated with Lancaster maybe because Lancaster doesn't really have any subjecs that orientated around what the disney programmes offers - only sociology really and that is only if you do any modules that are like it which I'm not but oh well.
  19. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    i go to hull, i think im the only one who knows :) also i think alot of liverpudlian stdents find out
  20. Cinders13

    Cinders13 New Member

    Im graduating from Nottingham Trent this summer, 2nd time applying to CRP at the moment! :)

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