What to bring

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by tess123, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    Just would like to know whether you have to take any written references to the interview with you, or will the addresses of your referees do


  2. oooooooh this is a very very very good question!!!
    I'm at school right now, so I could get the student counsellor to write me one today.....interview is only 3 days away now! ;D
  3. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Hi Tessa, i have got the lady down the road who as known be about 10 years just to write a quick personal reference just so i can take something with me to the interview
  4. KC

    KC Guest

    For me, the addresses of my referees was fine.

    I wasnt asked for written references anyway. Dont think anyone else was either.

  5. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Thanks KC, how did your interview go, when was it
  6. yeah, I'm too lazy to ask for written reference lol, I'll just print out a nice page with addresses on it
  7. helen

    helen New Member

    Hey don't worry about the written reference, all I had was another copy of my c.v if they wanted it, and that just had the address on.

    Helen xx
  8. KC

    KC Guest

    No problemo! Mine went ok, I think-though obviously not as well as I'd have liked it to go. We had it on November 9th in Birmingham and it was HUUUUUGE amounts of fun!

    Good luck with your interviews, people!
  9. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Thanks Guys for your advice, I am so nervous, my friends at work said i have gone pale with nerves and it aint like me considering my best friend is my st tropez bottle ha ha ha
  10. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hey as Helen Says (Hi Helen BTW)...
    - Just as long as you take a copy of your current cv for the lovely people, and all the other documents and copies requested, ofcourse you will get you ORIGINAL documents back there and then. ie. Birth Certificate & Passport. Don't stress over written references for the Face-2-Face, just don't forget to pack your 'Smile' and like always (altogether say it...) Be Yourself!

    Good luck!
  11. KC

    KC Guest

    Neither, really. The station was cold and windy. And I was in the airport for 7 hours with nothing to do, no food (what they had in the airport was vile...) and nowhere comfy to sit!

    My fave was definately the Disney part of the day. All those Birmingham peoples (who I'm sure are all now CMs!) were really nice and I had loads of fun at the interview and presentation :D

    *kicks the airport & station* Baaaaad airport and station! Go to your room! :mad:


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