What sort of questions do they ask at the interview?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by littlemissdisney, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. littlemissdisney

    littlemissdisney New Member

    I think the title says it all really! I have my interview in London in March like a lot of you guys and I was wondering if accepted applicants could tell us what questions they asked? I have been preparing for the obvious questions but were there any which caught you off guard?

    from Beth
  2. Kayleigh

    Kayleigh New Member

    if u read the other threads it gives u a fair idea.. alot of us have got our interviews in march too.. whens yours?
  3. littlemissdisney

    littlemissdisney New Member

    I have my interview on March 20th. Are you doing the cultural rep program or the college program?

    from Beth
  4. I didn't get any "unexpected" kind of questions, it was more a relaxed chat than a formal interview. The questions were all basic and just friendly :) Don't stress (yeah right hehe)
  5. littlemissdisney

    littlemissdisney New Member

    Thanks Tessa!

    from Beth
  6. littlemissdisney

    littlemissdisney New Member

    bumpety bump! anymore tips?
  7. tigger1983

    tigger1983 New Member

    hey guys i had my interview this time last yr i got here in june.....when i had my interview they asked me questions about my home town....and what was good about it. i was also asked what gift i would take over to give to my roomates (which u dont have to actually do btw)......

    love sarah
  8. littlemissdisney

    littlemissdisney New Member

    Thanks Sarah, that's some great info! much appreciated!

    from Beth
  9. tigger1983

    tigger1983 New Member

    no problem babe....anyway i can help i will do

    good luck everyone sarah xxx
  10. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    When i had my interview it was more relaxed than i thought!!! All i can say is be urself and put into practice that disney smile for when you get the job he he

  11. tigger1983

    tigger1983 New Member

    very true just be urself they will be able to tell if u are being fake......

    good luk everyone and hopefully ill c some of u b4 i leave in june

    sarah xxx
  12. doowop

    doowop New Member

    loving the advice!! Thanks girls just for the record i think i would take some sort of useful item ie: fondue set everyone loves fondue!!!!


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