HRC stands for Historic Research Center. It is a participant company in the UK Pavilion at Epcot. It is not part of WDW but does accept people on the International Program. You will live with everyone else at the Commons, and get an ID. However your rent is more expensive and you do not get a main gate pass. Though you do get paid slightly more than those on who work for WDW on the IP. Any other questions, feel free to ask. Claire
Rent being higher is a complete joke...if anyone at Price management had come to see my apartment they should have made my rent free, considering the mess I had to live in!! agh, it makes me angry just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellen Did you really have to pay higher rent at the Commons than everyone else?!? that sucks bigtime!
Just as I was leaving they put it up to $100p/week.....JUST FOR PARTICIPANTS!! which means that your roommates, living in the EXACT same apartment as you were paying $13 didn't get anything for paying the extra!! I tried to phone someone at the commons clubhouse, left a message and they never returned it!! which kinda shows you what a joke price management can be sometimes!!!
Your ID is your company ID, your main gate pass is what allows you to bring friends and family into the parks. Your company ID gets you into the parks. hope that helps
Are you saying the others paid $87/week WOW I paid around $70 back in the day!!! lol How many people were you sharing with?
Yeah i paid $67 when i was on the program, but the rent is alot more now, and it is stupid that participants have to pay more rent just for not being a disney employee.
i think raise has gone up a bit, too, i guess it makes sense in the end. but i think it's absolutely ridiculous that participants have to pay more for the same thing.