Hello to you all, I posted a few months ago asking about the interest in various excursions, and i am here again asking the same sort of thing really. What im after is advise from people without cars and people without licences. if you dont fall into this catagory then please feel free to answer. What excursions are on offer to you at present? and how often do they run? does anything interest you that is not on offer at present? which beach would you prefer to go to clearwater or cocoa? would you visit both if offered the chance? what price would you feel is acceptable for a beach trip? Considering transport would be included, along with all the videos and photos, would you pay $275 for a skydive excursion? and how popular is the skydiving now? (most people did it at some point while i was there) Does a miami day trip appeal to you or would an overnight be more preferable? what would you pay for a day trip / overnight including accom? thanks for your time, i look forward to your feedback