what are the grades they give you????

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by nammyIT, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. nammyIT

    nammyIT Member

    hey guys and gals!
    Today I had my interview in Milan for going to Italian restaurant Alfredo...
    speaking with all the other guys who had the interview i noticed that the recruiter gives you some kind of grade in the top of the application form, right next to the work location field...
    does anybody knows what it means????
    Some guys got C...some C+....I got H+++! Is it any good???
    Did anybody noticed the same?
    It felt soo like going back to school, everybody asking what "grade" did we get :)
    anyway the recruiter was soo cool, even though he was kinda "senior"...and Jeff, and David were soo great and funny
    I had a wonderful day, and I will find next Thu wheter I got in or not....finger crossed!!!!

  2. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    I did notice that ... I either got an M+ or an H+ ... no idea what they mean though
  3. monkian

    monkian New Member

    huh...i totally didn't notice..
  4. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Wow, I didnt know we were rated...I wish I knew what my rating was!
  5. monkian

    monkian New Member

    julie was sitting in such a way there was no way i could read what she had written...unless i grabbed it out her hand lol...at least if it was just a basic A B C you could guess but h?????
  6. Ona

    Ona Member

    Just a thought....

    If you guys were interviewing for Alfredo's, a participant company, it may have been a different type of interview altogether. Some participants use Disney to interview and others prefer to do it themselves. Even if they use Disney, they may have a different interview strategy (& form), hence the reason none of the rest of us have noticed the whole grading thing. :-\

    Ona x
  7. nammyIT

    nammyIT Member

    well, actually the form we filled was the same which you can dowload from disney website....we were interviewed by the disney folks...(jeff, david etc)
    actually what I call "grade" are not really grades....i just call them so because it felt soo like going back to high school...it seemed that all of us got different letters on the form....
    so everybody was like "what you got?"
    and of course if they were really "grade" i should worry, I got an H+++! :D
    Anyway I will know about this on Thu, when I will know if I got in or not!!!
    So finger crossed until then!
  8. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    I noticed those when i was in the interview though i didnt see mine. The guy at the top of the sheet had H++ and most of the other people had H+

    Fingers crossed for you
  9. nammyIT

    nammyIT Member

    thanx! hopefully I got a good review ;)
    anyway the reason all of us were aware of the "grade" is because we actually had 2 interviews the same day, one with the disney rep and then with the italian lady in charge of the recruiting office for Alfredo, so we were asket to bring ourselves the form to her....so we had a lot of time to check each other's form......


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