What are my chances?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Donna C, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    I've just applied for the Feb 2008 cultural representative Program (UK) and I've received an email saying I wont be contacted until September which is when they begin screening applications. Does anyone know what my chances are of getting in on the program.

    Thanx guys
  2. Chris-R

    Chris-R New Member

    I applied in Jan 06 and got my phone interview in May and face to face interview in November so the delays are normal. But if you do get through then good luck to you, and hopfully you'll be out there in 2008
  3. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    I've got everything crossed - the next 6 months are gonna be the slowest of my life.

    Don't want them to go too quickly though. This is my final year at uni and so far its gone way too quick. I never want June to come yet can't wait till September!!!
  4. Chris-R

    Chris-R New Member

    I know, I forgot that I had put my application in until they emailed me asking for a phone interview, but since I had it the time has flown by and it wont be long now before Im out there, so I'm sure you'll be fine when it come to having your interviews
  5. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    Well have a great time!

    I noticed your from Merthyr - I'm at uni in Cardiff and two of my housemates are from Merthyr. I've been there a few times on nights out. Not sure wot to make of it really.
  6. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    hey Donna

    im from cardiff too

    i used to go out with someone from Merthry - Cardiff has a better night life for sure!!!! but then again London is even madder
  7. Chris-R

    Chris-R New Member

    Merthyr's certainly an experience and entertaining when you go out, but I'd much rather go out in Cardiff
  8. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I don't think anyone can really say what anyone else's chances are. I wish I knew my chances of getting in! Keep the hope alive!
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i think its a ratio of 10:1 for each position when u initially apply and then obviously as u get further into the process the ratio gets lower
  10. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Something else I wanted to ask and this seems to be as good a place as any to ask, do they have to take a certain ratio of people from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland? Or if say 70% of people applying were English, would there be more of them?
  11. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    To be honest..i know they can only employ a certain ammount of people..but i dont think there's a ratio at all..I think they just know if you've got that disney kind feel if ya get me?
  12. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Aye absolutely. I just wondered if they had to represent all parts of Britain if you know what I mean. Like, it wouldn't really be Britain if there were no Irish or Welsh folk. ;D
  13. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah..ull see when you go to the interviews..If its still the same presentation..There's a welsh person on a video on it..And there's loads of different british nationalities..
  14. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yeah,folk from all parts of the UK,woohoo!!!! :) are there people there from Rep. Of Ireland? i mean,as well as Northern Irish?? Just wondering! Also,any Austalians/new Zelanders?? (maybe not in Epcot but elsewhere??)
  15. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Im not really sure about republic of ireland..there was definetly people there from northern ireland tho..

    As for australian..I used to work with an australian person..im not sure if there allowed to do the college program tho..She was on the J1 Academic Program..
  16. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Republic of Ireland people can't apply for the Cultural Rep program coz ya have to have a British Passport, for the other programs they can ;D
  17. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    10:1 doesn't sound too promising. I have heard that the Cultural Rep Program is the hardest to get onto. Oh well will just have to wait and wait and wait. I've got as much chance as anybody else.
  18. Emi

    Emi New Member

    ^ Exactly! Always keep thinking like that. Positive thinking is a real plus in interviews like this where they're looking more for personality fits than skill fits.

    Plus I'm a firm believer that if something is meant to happen, it will. And if it doesn't happen, its just freeing up your time so something better can come along. :D
  19. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Look at it this way though..I no of around 15 people from my uni who applied last year..How many do you think got in out of them?
    All 15..
    Im not saying its easy and im not saying the ratio's wrong..But from my experience..I would say that they just know whether your going to work hard and be a good disney employee..And the fact is..If you've applied anyway..You've gotta have the desire to work in disney..So most people are going to show this anyway i would personally say..
  20. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Plus you're here. And the fact that you've gone to the trouble to do enough research to have sought this website out is a good sign darlin. ;)

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