What Are Face To Face Interviews like?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by gardenofenglandgal, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. gardenofenglandgal

    gardenofenglandgal New Member

    Hey guys
    just wondering what the face to face interview are like and how long do they last? ::)
  2. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member


    Face to face interviews are one on one with one of the Disney recruiters. They last about 15 minutes. They ask you questions like can you live with more then 6 people, why do you want to work at Disney. Ask you different questions. Just act yourself and dont be nervous and it should be good.

  3. slychamp13

    slychamp13 New Member

    hi !!!

    good luck for your interviews

    ...just be natural and keep smile on your face, it's very important !!

  4. helen

    helen New Member

    Hey you have to be there really early... you will have to sit through a presintation first (can't remember how long it lasts - its really good tho ;)), sit at the front!!
    There was a large group of us from the boards at the Feb interviews and we all sat in the front row and were noticed straight away lol. ;)
    Once the presintation is over the will call out everyones name and tell you what time your face to face is, if you live close your interview may be one of the last :p

    Once you go to your face to face try to stay calm and SMILE!!
    They will ask similar questions to the telephone interview (they did with me), the only different questions I had was: How would I describe England to someone while working in Epcot? what other countries would I like to go to? and What countries have I been to? How would I feel sharing a room/apartment with someone you don't know?

    Just don't worry, enjoy it!!

    Helen x
  5. disney_dreamer

    disney_dreamer New Member

    to all of you who have a face to face interview,you are going to have an amazing day!! :)

    as helen said...SIT AT THE FRONT!!!!...it worked for us,you get noticed straight away :D

    you will love the presentation,it will make you want to work there even more!!

    i got asked questions like:

    why do you want to work for disney?
    can you give me an example of where you have been under pressure in a job?
    tell me about a time when you have been satisfied with a job you have done?
    how would you descibe your home town if you were asked at epcot?
    how do you feel about living with people from other countries and cultures?
    how do you feel about being away from home for a year?
    what do you want to get out of working for disney,what experience could it give you?

    hope this helps a little guys.......just remember...........SMILE..KEEP EYE CONTACT..

    good luck to everyone..im here if you need to ask any questions

    love steph xxxxx
  6. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Yep I'd echo what the others said- everyone of us who sat in the front row got the job- so that's got to be pretty good!! ;)
    The face to face is nerve wracking and kinda exciting at the same time. I just sat and burbled at the recruiter really until I felt I'd said more than enough and better shut up! I was in there about 30 minutes, but they were running pretty late, so I guess lots of people were in there longer than the designated 20 minutes! :)
    Charlotte x
  7. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    LOL my face to face lasted 40 mins and poor ellen who was last jus had to sit and wait outside!
    The others are rite bout sitting at the front but make sure when your walking into the presentation u smile alot and say hello to all of the recruiters who are watching you as you come in the door- its kind of like a big brother day-they watch your every move to see how u interact with other ppl.

    During the presentation (which is so good and makes u want to go 10 times more) smile alot and look really interested (again they are watching you) they will also ask questions about disney such as when was mickey mouses bday? (18th Nov) ppl who were with me will no how upset i was not to get to nswer that question lol ;D!
    If u no the answer - stick yur hand up and answer it - they will give u a little badge or something so that when u go into ur interview they remember u and no u answetred a Q i reakon it gives u an edge? ???

    They wil then tell u when your interview is - if u live in london or somewhere near by u will be last so be prepared to wait around alot!

    During the interview they are very nice - they no u are nervous, so jus relax and be yourself, i had been to the disney store when i was waiting for my intervier and when i walkin in with a disney bag the first thing she asked was 'what do ya have there?' that relaxed me and got us talking about everything - i reakon my interview was a bit unique cos she asked me to dance in myn cos she didnt no what irish dncng was so i showed her lol ;D

    anyway if u have any other questions or need help with anything jus give us a shout!

  8. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    It was probably the most stressful time(s) of my life!!!! They are not always one on one. I applied twice and both times did my interview with the Disney rep with another girl. I also had a face to face interview with the Cast-a-way crew in Canada. That one was me and 2 others. The wait after the interviews was even worse!!!

  9. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    the wait is defiantly the worst bit by far lol ;D
  10. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    Hm, I was lucky then, as I only waited 2/3 minutes, then my interview started... ;D ;D
  11. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    ;D I was another one who sat at the front...noticing a theme? lol I remember Julie saying it was a welcome change not having to force people out of the back row!
  12. gardenofenglandgal

    gardenofenglandgal New Member

    Hey guys i just want to say you give great info hear as it will help if i get through to the face to face, ;)
    Got another few weeks to wait to find out :-X Thanks again guys
    xx ;D

    Always Have Hope Otherwise Fear Will Make Itself Known ;D
  13. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    lol chloe yeah i remeber her asying that as she looked over her glases at all of us lol ::)
  14. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    :D She was a funny one. She interviewed me too. I was hoping she would after the speech but then I got all scurred when I was up there waiting to see her!
    I remember her going through all the countries and we were supposed to say what symbolised them at Epcot - "france? - eiffel tower!" etc...England?.."pub!" so proud of myself... ;)
  15. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    she interviewed me to - she had my cv in front of and she was looking at it andshe said ooh irish dancing thats different whats that? i tried to explain and she laughed and said u could jus show me i thought if i dont i wont get the job so there i was in a suit doing irish dancing for julie lol ;D
  16. PixieDust

    PixieDust New Member

    There's so much you can do to make yourself remembered at the interview!

    I picked up on a few things that one of the recruiters said...one being that it was her first time visiting Canada...so at the end of my interview I made sure I wished her an enjoyable finale to her trip and said a couple of places I thought she shouldn't miss at her next stop. She seemed really suprised/impressed that I remembered she hadn't been here before and even mentioned that I was the first person to tell her to enjoy her trip.

    But like other people have said...be yourself, it works wonders!

  17. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    definatly works ;D
  18. Izzy

    Izzy New Member

    It might help if you have some voluntary experience on your CV as Ive done quite a few things with St John's ambulance and the Brownies and this seemed to impress Frank who interviewed me.

    Also try and wear or carry something which will make you stand out but not in a bad way. I wore british and England mini flag pin badges on my suit lapel and when I was waiting for Jason to show me out of the building I got chatting to the other interviewers about my badges, so hopefully that helped them remember me!

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