Well The Interview Is Over!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by james_wales, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Hey All,

    I am actually sending this from the platform at Paddington Station...it's 7:!5pm, just waiting for my train! The wonders of wireless!

    Well we had our interviews today, and it is such a wierd feeling now that it is all over for us, and the waiting begins.

    Jess, Sally, Will, Lyjanka, Lou, Hannah & Jessie...your the most amazing people ever, thanks for an excellent weekend, you guys are awesome. You made the weekend very special.

    Good luck to those of you who have the interviews coming up.

  2. KC

    KC Guest

    How did it go for all of you?
    Did you have fun?
    How much did you love the Disney people?
    What did you think of the presentation?
    How did your interview go? Were you happy with it?

    And most importantly....

    Do you think you might have got in? :D

    Congrats and well done to everyone who's now done with their interview!

  3. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    Weldone james and good luck for the result, mine is on thursday and i am so nervous, can you give a tips


  4. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Im keeping my fingers tightly crossed for all of you! I really hope you've all made it! xx ;)
  5. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    wow james i just got theeeeeeeee most horrid feeling in my stomach as from thurs night i will be the same, everything i can do will be done, and that makes me feel sick as if i dont get in i will be sooooooooo gutted, even though ive saved enough money to buy a scooter it aint the point i want to do this soooooooooooooo much more, man im so scared............
  6. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    oh Amy, I feel nervous just thinking of you having your interview!! So no wonder you're a bag of nerves. If im lucky enough to make the face to face interviews - i will be a complete wreck! ;D

    Good luck for Thursday, Im sure you'll be great!! xxxxx ;)
  7. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Well the presentation is excellent, it will make you want to go soo much more, but im not going to tell you anything alse about it because i don't want to spoil it's magic for you!

    With regard to the questions, we really are not allowed to say sorry. But just make sure you brush up on the usual things

    I hope we all get it sooooooo much, never wanted a group of people to get something so much in my life! We had the coolest weekend, and the other guys made it very very special.

  8. Izzy

    Izzy New Member

    James did you guys go to TGI's?

    The presentation we had back in March was excellent too! It get's you even more exited for your interview!

    Did they say what date you will no if your in by? The hard part is now and not the interview- if your anything like me you will pull your interview to shreads and convince yourself that your not in, but secretly hope that you are and never let your phone leave your side!

    Good luck guys. I cant wait to meet whoever gets the job ;D
  9. hannahr

    hannahr New Member

    Morning James and everyone else who interviewed yesterday! It really was a fun couple of days, even if I was the last one to be interviewed (I left the Disney Office at 8 p.m. last night!!).

    I was interviewed by Anne and I think it went ok, but I am thinking about things I should have said this morning.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone. Hope we all get some good news really soon!!

  10. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    did u have the presentation and the video of valerie or different videos?
  11. emma

    emma New Member

    jesus i remember valeire
  12. tess123

    tess123 New Member

    oh my god I am getting more and more nervous by the day i hate to think what i will be like driving up Thursday morning. I will see you Thursday morning Amy.

    Good luck everyone for your result and HOPE to meet everyone in March in the good old U S Of A
  13. Izzy

    Izzy New Member

    Valerie Rules!!!!

    Could she be any more enthusiastic? :D
  14. KC

    KC Guest

    It's an impossibility.

    Not even Kryssa (sp?) from the resort TV channel could be that enthusiastic...

    Anyone else worried that she might be telling the truth when she said "I'll see you guys soon" :-/

  15. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    Hey James n' the gang!
    - OMG!! What an experience, although I think you all know of my feelings on my own interview... I also wanna say a HUGE thankyou to you all, you ALL deserve to go. And whatever the outcome for eveyone, I'd love to meet up again sometime in london... Maybe before whenever the departure date is???
  16. hannahr

    hannahr New Member

    What happened at your interview Will?! Of course, with mine being so late I never really saw anyone - apart from Sally - so I have no idea how everyones interviews went.

    Pls send me a pm or e-mail if you don't want to broadcast it to everyone on the boards! I can tell you about mine as well (I was last in at 7.45 and it only lasted about 10 minutes!). Would really love to compare mine to somebodies held at a normal time of day!

    Anyway, be positive. Nobody can really tell how it went until we hear back from yummy!

  17. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I said i wouldnt have the guts to come back on the boards for a while...but we are not going to hear for atleast 2 maybe 3 weeks so i will post in the mean time!

    Good to see you on here Hannah and Will..hope the TGI's dinner has settled nicely in your stomach!

    I totally agree that we should all meet up again, would be really cool.

    Off to school in 5 minutes! would much rather be sitting in the lobby in the Novotel drinking thier water.

  18. hackettboi

    hackettboi Guest

    - The weekend was E:::» «:::X:::» «:::C:::» «:::E::» «:::L:::» «:::L:::» «:::E:::»«::N:::»«::T !!  :D
    - James... Thanks for coming back on so soon! (The TGI's thing really gave me stomach cramps all day but I didn't wanna say anything just incase it panicked any of you who had it too!)  :-[
    - Meeting up at the same hotel perhaps(?) would be 'totally awesome dude' (gawd, I sound like the turtle on finding nemo!!!)  ;D
    - Going to continue watching some Disney films just so that I can take my mind of the interview - the call from 'you know who' would be out of this world!! :p
    - Gotta dash, I have a hot date with MARY POPPINS, then with SIMBA AND THE PRIDE "AGAIN". Grrrrrr!  ;)
    - Laterz Y'all!!

    Will - Prizeboy!

    I've just modified my original message coz it was alittle glum...

    ... But just like Tigger...

    °`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° I'M BOUNCING BACK - RIGHT ON TRACK! °`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°

    And remember... Hakuna Matata... *breaks out into song (with Jazz hands too ofcourse)* what a wonderful phrase, hakuna matata aint no passing craze, ...
  19. LouRogerson

    LouRogerson New Member

    Good morning all,

    I can't believe you James, after the whole, I'm not going on the boards and don't want anyone to contact me with regards to Disney, so glad you have.

    I had a brilliant time meeting up with everyone, to think that before Friday we'd never met each other and yet at TGI's it seemed like I already knew everyone, you all seemed so familiar. I just feel sorry for the people who went to that interview not knowing a soul!

    Andas for the interview, it's over now, out of our control. I don't know if anyone else asked but I asked Ann what was the likelihood of people getting through at this stage, asked if it was 1 in 5 people would go through etc and she said that she was recruiting 11 peeps for Merch and Julie was recruiting 30+ so whether that was for just our interviews or for all of them being held over these two weeks; if it was the first lot then I reckon that we have a fairly good chance - we're all brilliant.

    And as for meeting up, London anytime, although would be tempted to drive - 7 hours it took me to get home! And Will, if you end up joining any of your buddies in Lancaster on a night out make sure you let me know! And in the long term, if I don't make it through to Disney selection then I'll be coming out to see the rest of you who get in, I know who you are now :) !

    Talking about not letting your phone leave your side, ever since the interview I seem to have left my phone everywhere. Normally I'm one of those who can't live without it and yet I went out Sat and left it in the hotel, most of yesterday I forgot to take it off silent, have come to work and left it at home - need to make sure I get out of this habit.

    Love you all, was great meeting you all in person, would be great if we all got in together.

  20. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    Lou, great to see you back on here :)

    I felt the same - everyone felt so familiar, as if we had known eachother for years!

    If it hasnt gone well for me this time i am definately going to re-apply, i am so determined to get myself out there!

    Starting to calm down now and not think about it so much, we have done all we can, and i am trying to tell myself that because there is nothing else we can do then there is no point in worrying!


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