Wednesday June 11th Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by db4ffc, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. db4ffc

    db4ffc New Member

    Sign in if you've got your date with Disney destiny next Wednesday....I shall be there, who else will be? :eek:
  2. urock

    urock New Member

    i will be there to
  3. ally_mclee

    ally_mclee New Member

    Where is the interview being held? (out of curiousity)
  4. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Despite a 4am start, I am still super psyched that I will be there! Don't fail me now satnav!
  5. db4ffc

    db4ffc New Member

    Im so excited!!!!! Look out for me everyone. Or just hear someone called Dan chatting in a London accent and come and approach me! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. db4ffc

    db4ffc New Member

    only hours now, i cant sleep im sooooooooooooo excited...wish me luck everyone - il report back how it goes! x
  7. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    So how did it go? Did you get in or don't you know yet? It's all just so damn exciting lol
  8. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    It seems the majority of us got offered a position but with no start date. So we seem to be in some sort of Disney purgatory!
  9. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    It must be so strange to know that they like you, but dont know when they want you lol
    Is there any particular reasons why the unlucky people didn't get in? Just out of interest?
    Kinda makes me a little bit more positive if i know why they turn people away!
  10. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    It seems everybody who went to the interview who uses this board got the spot. No idea about anybody else though. Everybody I spoke to seemed really cool & worth a job. As long as you have some personality, that seems to be enough!
  11. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Hopefully I should be ok then, just waiting for an email with a telephone interview date, it's absolutely killing me! Do you think there is anything that gives you an advantage, like maybe being available in a months notice and stuff? obv i wana give myself the best possible chance of getting chosen!
  12. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I was available at a months notice & made sure that was very clear to them! It can only help. I think the simple interview stuff helps alot (being on time, smartly presented etc) & make sure you have questions for them. As somebody is in charge of recruitment for the restaurant they work in, it's always impressive when the interviewee has thought of something to ask me!
  13. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Oh bugger, i best start thinking now then lol
    I'm defo gona ask you for tips nearer the time if i do get an interview!!
    I guess it's not really like a normal interview tho cos you dont have to be so serious?
  14. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Deffo, I've never had such an informal & relaxed interview! Go in confident & friendly & you're half way there already. Hopefully by the time they do any more interviews, I will already be stateside!
  15. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    Ok now your making me jealous!
    Thanks for the tips tho, if i get thru i'll have you to thank lol
    Well good luck on getting a date and keep me posted!!

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