WDWIP CM blogs?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by crazycanuck, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. crazycanuck

    crazycanuck New Member

    Hey there,

    I was wondering if anyone has come across any blogs or info kept by CMs currently or that were in the international programme. I found one about a year ago, it was really detailed and kind of gave you a preview of what to expect if you are accepted. Now when I try to find it again, no luck! Does anybody know of any good sites like that? Thanks!
  2. Gem

    Gem New Member

    Hey anything i can help wiv crazycanuck??

    Im a former cast member who was there just last summer and i did the college programme anything you wanna know which i can help with??

  3. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I have a blog! It's mostly me rambling about nothing in particular though... :)


    If you have any particular questions though, just ask! There are sooo many people here that were incredibly helpful during my application process.

    Good luck!

    ~ Jen
  4. crazycanuck

    crazycanuck New Member

    Thanks to both of you for offering to help. I dont have any particular questions, cuz i have been wanting to do this for a few years now (i just turned old enough to apply this yeart hough) so I dont have any particular questions, I just thought it would be interesting to read some of the day to day life of CMs in the program, exactly like Jen's site, which is great!

    Oh wait, i do have one particular quesion for Jen, whats the wierdest question a guest has asked you about Canada?

    thanks to both of you
  5. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I think we have a thread about crazy guests in the alumni section. Check it out. You'll never believe half the stuff!!!


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