People, im going out on the 4th december for the UK CRP, and ive just heard of Yummy jobs that they arehavnt got me down as having my lfight booked by Disney-they think im doing it myself. Its a good job i double checked rather than wait until december assuming Disney had me a flight from Manchester. Double check because if they have made this fairl;y serious mistake of ignoring what i told Disney at the London interview,t hen god knows how many other peopple have suffered this mistake
It does not seem that serious of the thing. My friend who was going to have Disney book her ticket said they wouldnt even do it until after she got her visa which was a month before she went. And Yummy called her before she got her visa just to ask about flights anyhow. You are panicing over nothing I am sure ;D! Plus if you told Disney you wanted the flights surly they knew anyhow? ???
yummy contact me just before my visa was being sorted out and asked me what i was doing about flights and if i wanted disney to sort it out or not. they had me down at the interview for doing it myself but those are just guidelines (to quote barbosa) so it doesn't matter what they have you down for until it needs sorted out. they would contact you regardless, so don't panic if you were doing it yourself, you'd organise it when you want and then you tell disney (by emailing them direct) with your schedule, and cc it to yummy. if you want disney to do it, they won't bother setting you up until they know you definitely have a visa, which is approx 1 month in advance, and they just book you on whatever is cheapest available anyway by the sounds of things.