walt and the da vinci code

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by baby_natz16, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    I am just reading the da vinci code...I am probably the only person who hasn't read it.   :D  However, I know it is mostly all fiction, but it makes references to Walt and the Little Mermaid, are any of them true???
  2. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    I havn't read it, what does it say about walt? ??? ???


  3. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Nope, sorry I haven't read it either.

    Is it any good? ???
  4. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    Yeah it's really good. It goes as far to say that walt disney was one of the few people in the 'priory of sion' who are a brotherhood which guard the holy grail lol..leonardo da vinci was also a part of this group. It talks about hidden messages in his films. Apparently disney films tell the story of jesus having a wife (which is what the holy grail is all about)...and that's why the main characters are female. Things like the apple in snow white and the seven dwarfs is symbolism to eve...and apparently in the little mermaid has a copy of the mona lisa in her underwater grotto 'home'...again symbolism.

    The book is based on a lot of facts but it's a fictional story...I dunno if any of it is true...would like to check out the little mermaid ;)
  5. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Will have to have a look at that then. I've just finished my last book. :)
  6. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    If you don't fancy reading...apparently it is being made into a movie in the near future! ;D x
  7. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    ooh that sounds really good. I mite have to go get myself that book, thanks natz :)

  8. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Ive not read the book either!!! I thought I was the only one!!!

    Might have to check it out but I have so many books at the moment that I havent read!!
  9. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Tom Hanks is to star in the film!!

    What a random thing to have in a book....I wouldn't necessarily say it was true...maybe just the author's imagination gone crazy....and Hercules was a main character, not a woman! As was Peter Pan, and any films about animals rather than people (Basil the great mouse detective, the rescuers, 101 dalmatians etc)

    I might buy the book now, sounds intriguing!! (altho I do have a pile of about 6 others to read first...not including all those for my dissertation! :()

    ellen xxx
  10. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    hey, there were only a couple of references to disney...so don't read it expecting it to be about walt, but I would recommend the book!
  11. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i first time i even heard about the book was only a few days ago when i read it was being made into a film and that it is similar to the disney film National Treasure (comes out boxing day i think and stars nicolas cage) which looks good. i have watched the first 10 mins and gonna watch the rest later ;D

  12. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Ok, I went and got this book at Asda last night, which was a mistake!! It was heaving! There was no chocolate on the shelves at all, I was very disapointed. :mad:

    Started the book, and I now have 10, yes 10 days off on a row!!! ;D Yey ;D So hoping to get quite far.

    Have a Merry Christmas evryone.

  13. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Ok, Im done,

    This book is brilliant!! Couldn't put it down, I just had to keep reading!!

    Thanks for recommending it!

  14. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Blimey!!! :eek:
  15. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Wow! That was fast Kerry! I keep meaning to read this, and somehow never get round to it!! ::) Will definitely try and read it next!
    Charlotte x
  16. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Yeah, once I get into a book I like theres no stopping me. ::)

    I definatly would recommend it to anyone!! Should be on everyone 'must read' list.

    :) Kerry :)
  17. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    Lol at tinks. I couldnt put it down either, took me 3 days - which is a record for me...im not a massive book lover! I have now just bought the first book in the series....angels and demons. Hopefully it will be good too. :D x
  18. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Hey, Snap Natz!!!

    I went and got it yesterday, I think I'll try and take my time with this one though. We'll see how it goes! ;)

    Happy reading

  19. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    Ok I finished this one last weekend, so much for taking my time, ??? couldn't put this one down either. It was really good, although I have been told that his other two books, (without Robert in) are not as good. :( So i'm not sure if I'll get round to reading those.

  20. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    That's good to know. I have only just started angels and demons, I never had time to read the rest....so much uni work on. I am also reading another book call the da vinci decoded, I wanted to see just how much of it was true. :D x

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