Anyone any suggestions or advice from experience over there what kinda food to buy in wal-mart etc?? Would we have time to cook on days we're working?????
American supermarkets like Walmart and Publix sell pretty much the same food items as you can buy over here although a lot of the brands are different and often not as nice-cereals, chocolate, yoghurts etc. The meat and fish is also a little dodgy, as is the bread!!! Sure ppl living over there find stuff they like though! I just stuck to restaurants when I was there on holiday!
I got totally hooked on chunky soup cos it was so easy to take to work and heat up to eat on your break, and was pretty cheap as well. Vegetables don't tend to be very good quality and they're quite pricey (no wonder the US has such high obesity rates!!)...Publix veg was always better than Walmart Veg... You can buy these fabulous packets of frozen pasta meals in bags...they take about 10mins to cook and tasted yummy! Or, of course, there's the old favourite of mine - RAMEN NOODLES!!! they were only 13cents a packet and I LOVED them! Not particularly nutritious, but convenient if you didn't want to cook!! You may end up just getting in the habit of eating out a lot...I probably ate out about 4 times a week when I was's relatively cheap and there's so many different places to try!! As for eating at work, a lot of people would go to the CM Canteen on breaks where they did hot meals, salads (which were actually pretty decent), sushi, snacks, subway...if you don't get the chance to go on your break, there's always copius vending machines in breakrooms (which doesn't sound too appealing, but if you're desperate for food, they're there!)...I tended to take a packed lunch/dinner...or soup (in tupperware...a VERY good investment!)...or you can always take a change of clothes, get changed on your break so you look like a civilian and get what you want from the parks! Hope that helped! Ellen x
you had time to change and get food on your breaks?? where did u work??? lol i found when i was oout there thelot of us lived off frozen pizza, pringles, canteen food and middle of the night ihop/fast food - it doesnt sound so great now but trust me when youre there you dont have time for anythin else - but dont worry everyone loses weight because of lack of time and money to eat!!!!!
I ate a lot of pasta. I'd just buy big bags of noodles, jars of sauce and some shredded cheese. I also kept alot of frozen meals in the freezer. It's probably a good idea to keep some can's of soup around too. If ur at Vista, walgreens has bread and milk, so it's easy to stay in those. Also I kept lots of cereal, granola bars, cookies, and ice cream..
I'd buy real food but the huge sizes it came in and the Florida weather it went mouldy after a few days and half had to be chucked. I lived off Hot Pockets, those 98 cent pizzas and alcohol. It really wasn't a good idea. I was actually killing myself. That was only 2 months as well. I need to plan things out better this time round.
Not liking the vegetables not-being-nice thing :/ Oh well, with some stir-fry sauce they'll be fine. Vegetable stir-fries and pasta all the way I feel!!
the thing i noticed is that its more expensive to eat healthy then unhealth-but, i can only speak fro myslef because my job was quite an active job i lost weight despite having a shocking diet-must have been a combination of active job and sweating any excess weight off lol)
i worked at outdoor food in Epcot but i was more often a stocker, pushing bigh heavy carts full of drinks and ice creme out to people
im a vegetarian as well as the fact that i eat lots of vegetables anyway, so the lack of nice veg wont be the best! how is the fruit out there? to be fair, most of my diet at the moment consists of soup soup and more soup, so im sure il be fine ooo and i hope they have weetabix minis, i love those!
Yeah I agree I lost a lot more weight in ODF than I did at MIssion Space (even though that can involve a LOT of walking in the flight bays)... could also be because you sweat off the pounds in ODF
I think if u are more excited about working and having fun when u r there the food ceases to be that important and u probably will lose weight now matter what job u r doing-especially coz of the heat!! But if ur like me and love Orlando restaurants then weight loss may be impossible!!
I had a shockingly bad diet out there...I ate out most nights, ate at random times, had pizza for breakfast...and I lost weight. The losing weight thing is mostly to do with how much exercise you do and don't even realise!! if, like me, you're in the UK pavilion, it's quite a long walk from Cast Services (there's no point getting the bus round to the back unless you REALLY don't want to walk)...and then on your days off, you're walking all over the place...the parks mostly!! and then don't forget how hot it is and how much you sweat (Which sounds gross, but largely contributes!!)...and then there's the walk to the outlet mall if you want to go over, the drunken walks home from Bennigans (when, for all alcohol induced reasons, it doesn't seem that far back to the commons...but you'd never do it sober!!!)'s all walking!! I know a lot of people who took advantage of the gym as well, but I wasn't one of them!! haha!! The fruit and veg is ridiculously expensive compared to home prices and considering it's just fruit and veg, everything is A LOT bigger (The onions are bigger than the size of a fist!!) so it tends to go off before you've had the chance to use it all...generally it can be quite bad quality...your best bet is to buy frozen brocolli and can find ok stuff if you spend ages looking. Sweet Potatoes are a fabulous meal in themselves...just microwave them and add a bit of cream cheese...YUM!!! (but don't eat the's nasty!)
i would have thought being in florida that the oranges would be cheap?? its not like they have to move them far!
Last time i was there I remember seeing Peaches like 3 times the size of the ones in the UK. It was like Dylan and the Giant Peach. (lame i know)