Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Ro, May 14, 2009.

  1. Ro

    Ro New Member



    OR DID U FINALLY MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey senorita.

    I am on the waiting list!

    No news thus far, however 4 people that i know of have gotten off waiting list, including the famous dan spooner.
  3. Ro

    Ro New Member

    heyyyyy were are u from????

    how long have u been waiting?
  4. mushu

    mushu New Member

    We're from the UK and as of today, I'm at five weeks and counting!
  5. Ro

    Ro New Member

    jajaja i know and even they say most of the wait listed finally make it is HELL RIGHT!!!!!!

  6. CRP, now its just a big stinkin waiting game lol.

    IF you dont get off the wait list before the next interviews, are u going to re-apply!?
  7. Ro

    Ro New Member

    i guess!!!! i still have month and a half.......

    but its so weird... i mean i think if im in the wL. why should i re apply... but i've heard is better....

    what about u.-...

    im also crp... attractiosssss!!!
  8. clover

    clover New Member

    this waiting game SUCKS! have just got bk from being in florida on vacation for a month and i really do not want to be in the UK. i hate it here!!
  9. LOL! I know, Each day is starting to get harder for me. I mean I love my friends and family, but i really wanna go to florida!!

    Im getting nervous, cos im going to re-apply in august, but that means i only have 2 months of waiting list opportunity left!!! I hope i get that call, ive made 2 many friends on here now, i wanna go!
  10. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    but I thought the august interviews were looking for people from january. surely that means waitlist people could be called up any time til the end of december?

    maybe I misunderstand the process
  11. You can stay on the wait list untill february 2010! However if you decide to re-interiview, u are taking off the wait list. Its a bit of a gamble.
  12. Helix

    Helix New Member

    How do you know you're on a waiting list? Do they send you a email to say that you have been put onto a waiting list, or is it just assumed that you're on a waiting list since you submitted the application?

    I've just come back from doing the UCF J1 Academic CP - came back in April, and I would love to go back and work longer for Disney. Applied two weeks ago, through the website, but have heard nothing from YummyJobs, last time I applied by sending stuff directly to the guy in the office (forgot his name now WOOPS).
  13. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    The waitlist contains people who have had phone and face to face interviews for a position. They have not been offered a definite position with a start date, and instead will fill any vacancies that may crop up from things like those already participating dropping out from being fired, getting homesick or having a family emergency. Thus the outcome of a face to face interview may be a position offered with a start date, a rejection or the notification that you're on a waitlist so may be asked to go if a position becomes availiable.

    If you've just applied therefore you're not on any waitlists and instead must go through the phone and face to face interview process, which could result in any of the three outcomes listed above. Assuming you're applying for the Cultural Representative Program from the UK you'll likely hear about whether you've got a phone interview later this summer when they review the applications for Autumn interviews.
  14. Helix

    Helix New Member

    Thanks for the information. Last time I done the application process it was so easy compared to what I've been reading here. I email a CV and cover letter, the following week I was told to come to London for a interview, done the interview, a week after that I got the acceptance email, and then two months later I was out on the program working Main Entrance Operations at Epcot.

    I want to go back so badly, I miss all the friends I've made, I miss the lifestyle the culture, and everything Disney. Trying to get there on my own without the help of the program too but its going to be very very difficult.

    A few random questions:

    1) how many times can you do the Cultural Rep Program?
    2) does anyone know/ anyone been successful in getting a job with Disney even after the program has finished?
  15. Hello helix,

    1. You can only do the Cultural Rep program once as the program is designed as a learning program to teach you skills that you only need taught once.

    2. And as far as I am aware its not something which is likely to happen. You wouldn't get it through yummy jobs anyway i think. You would need to apply for a job directly. But in this current economy the chances of anyone getting a job that an american can do are slim to none you know?
  16. Ro

    Ro New Member


  17. Nah i have heard nothing senorita!
  18. Ro

    Ro New Member

    immmmm so confuseddd....
    everyday is: should i reapply or not??????

    what should i do????
  19. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    not always true.. .there is a guy from canada going for his third time....
  20. The UK is different, they only let you do it once!

    I heard that a german guy does it every second year, and he's about to go out for the 8th time!

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