Waiting for a date...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by AlexHope, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    Hi everyone!!!
    I'd like to say something to those who, just ike me, are waiting for their departure date...
    When I received an e.mail where they told me that there were no available positions and that I had to wait until Feb 2007 to leave I was so sad...
    ...very very sad indeed...
    ...but, just 1 day after that mail they called me saying that they had my departure date!!!!
    It couldn't be better...
    ..if you really want to go there don't panic..
    ....in a way or in another you're gonna go there and enjoy MIckey's company!! :D

  2. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    let me be the 1st to say congrates
  3. ALE

    ALE New Member

    Hi Alex I am wating for an answer at the end of this month, I am so afraid that they would tell me that there are no positions for me, but as you said I won´t give up faith. I believe that someday I will be With mickey ;D ;D ;D

    Congratulations !!!
  4. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    ..thank you sooooo much!!!!
    It seems like you're a bit too young for applying...
    ...it's great that you already want to partecipate to the program...
    My suggestion is to keep dreaming about it..
    ...I'm 22 now and I discovered the International Program just a couple of months ago..
    If you have the chance try to go there as soon as possible...
    ..the more you grow the less you'll enjoy that experience...
    ...when I had my interview I met al lot of people older than me...
    ..no one was smiling or laughing...I think they were taking it too seriously...
    It's a job...and it's quite hard...but if you live it with the eyes of a child and really feel the magic you'll have the greatest experience of your life!!!
  5. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    ..thank you sooooo much!!!!
    It seems like you're a bit too young for applying...
    ...it's great that you already want to partecipate to the program...
    My suggestion is to keep dreaming about it..
    ...I'm 22 now and I discovered the International Program just a couple of months ago..
    If you have the chance try to go there as soon as possible...
    ..the more you grow the less you'll enjoy that experience...
    ...when I had my interview I met al lot of people older than me...
    ..no one was smiling or laughing...I think they were taking it too seriously...
    It's a job...and it's quite hard...but if you live it with the eyes of a child and really feel the magic you'll have the greatest experience of your life!!!


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