wait list band waggon

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by keithy, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. keithy

    keithy New Member

    well im on the wait list apparently,

    thrilled to bits cuz i still passed

    anyone else?

  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    yup me 2
    i was just about 2 start a waitlist post, but u beat me 2 it!!

    so the wait continues..

    has anyone ever been waitlisted before? and if u have could u describe what happens and how long it usually takes to find out?? do most people then get places?
  3. Trev

    Trev New Member

    You either get lucky or you don't. I didn't. Whereas other people I know got the call a week later and where off before the rest of their group. There isn't really a lot you can do except cross your fingers and wish. We all know the really cool people get wait listed first though.
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    so basically if u dont get contacted within a week, ur not going?

    at least the wait would then be over...
  5. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    can i join i have been put on file (waiting list) so will have to wait again! i hope that we don't have to wait to long couldn't bear to wait all spring/summer
  6. Trev

    Trev New Member

    Nope it could be a week it could be a month, you'll be on file till November time
  7. LoopyLoo

    LoopyLoo New Member

    Well my Son Andrew was offered a place but the dates he was given were Dec 07 - Nov 08 which meant he would miss the start of his final year at Uni luckily he had another offer on the table so he will be turning down the offer from Disney so theres one place still going so good luck to you all and dont give up.
  8. keithy

    keithy New Member

    il have it lol
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    no! i want it!!!

    double lol
  10. leon22

    leon22 New Member

    hey hi! i am just waiting for my f2f interview! my phone interview was three weeks ago! so! i am very nervious right now! maybe they wont call me for the next round! (f2f) i need all your good wishes!
  11. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    ill have the postion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was he at the 21st march interviews
  12. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    hey i was on waiting list and dont get the offer but one girl in the same interviews was on waiting listand got a offer a few months later, so its a maybe, but dont give up, if u dont get and offer and u really want this, reapply until you get a possition, im going to apply to third time! lol, cuz this time i apply and the program i apply was cancel here in mexico!!! that sucks! lol after waiting months! but well everything happen for a reason, remember that! ;D

    good luck and pixie dust for everyone
  13. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    a bunch of us from the nov interviews were wait listed and as far as i know we all got offered jobs. i think sometimes they just waitlist a bunch of people so they can get interview results out quickerand then when theyhave time they sort through themand contact u - well thats what i think anyways

    i do know that at least 3 other people and myself emailed them after being waitlisted to ask like when we could reapply and stuff and were contacted after with job offers so maybe showing them ur keen to reapply and be considered again helps
  14. Ashley

    Ashley New Member

    I was waitlisted a total of 3 days, was giving up on the disney dream telling people I hadnt got it but then I had to turn around and say I had got it, it felt fab!!!
  15. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    Dont lose hope. People who are waitlisted could just be on "standby" incase people change their minds and decide not to accept their offers, leaving Disney to offer you guys with the jobs instead!
  16. LoopyLoo

    LoopyLoo New Member

    Yes he was
  17. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    loopy loo how come your son doesn't come on her?? where has he decided to go instead of Disney
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    so like does anyone know how many people have been waitlisted? or usually get waitlisted???
    and like how do they decide who goes if a position does come up? is there an order of preference?
  19. LoopyLoo

    LoopyLoo New Member

    He also had an offer of a work placement at the Seapines resort on Hilton Head as trainee front of house, so the dates for this were geared up to fit in with Uni.
  20. Jillian

    Jillian New Member

    There was alot of Canadians who got waitlisted from november 06 interviews, I got waitlisted and they emailed me in feb with a start date. I didnt think they would call me because so many other canadians on the wait list had gotten their dates before me but they did almost 4 months later, so dont give up hope!

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