I was wondering first how much money generally people bring down with them, and when we get our first pay check. Also anyone who is working in Food and Beverage ... how much i can expect to be making. Thanks!!
I am not there yet so i cant tell you how much money you will make. but no matter where you are at 1st you only get 6.90$ how long it will take till you are a server and make tip i cant tell. but i guess for sure a couple of month... but i never heard about a cast memeber who couldnt buy food. I heard about 100-150$ a week after they took out the money for your rent... i read in my pack that it will be a week or two till you get payed 1st so you should bring enough money to get food and some basics. in my pack they suggest 300-500$. I will bring some more cause i saw a nice cell on the walmart home page that i really want to have and take home after the year
Yep 6.90 USD an hour until you get into a tipped position and then from what I gathered you take a drop in pay to about 3-4 USD, perhaps someone who is down there can stake that for true or fals. But I am bringing about 500 USD in Travellers cheques as well as my visa card.
Bringing a heck of alot MORE then $500!! I want a TV and a cell and some FOOD ASAP!! As for the pay ......I KNOW that there have been people that have had a NEGATIVE pay because they had thier rent taken off and no more left.......... ??? ??? Your pay drops to a mere $3.93 AFTER you get into your server position!!!
TV I can do without for a couple weeks as well as a cell phone. I have my laptop and a Visa, so as soon as I get my Internet I am all good.
i want my cell also asap dont want everyone to disturbe my roommates with calls all the time . dont have a CC but i guess i will survive without one. I am lucky that my birthday is only 10 days before I leave and so I get a lil extra money i guess... the thing with the negative pay happend in the 1st weeks right?
Your pay should not be negative the first week, even if you skip traditions and your training. What is happening with us, is they "skip" the first week of rent and just charge you double on your second week. I think the negative pay only happens to people in tipped food and beverage positions because most of their pay comes from tips, which is not included on your paycheck hence the negative amount after rent is deducted. If you are in a tipped position, I wouldn't worry about not having enough money unless you're eating out everyday and taking a limo to work As for TV's and such, when you get here, look for people who are moving out, we got a 27 inch tv for $70 on our second day here, and the cable is provided!