Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by RSH01, May 5, 2010.

  1. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    Who else is freaked out about this volcanoe! I hope it clears up for End of May and June ICPers!
  2. aimeejaneg

    aimeejaneg New Member

    omg I really hope it clears up for us all to get out there! I was caught in it all a few weeks ago, coming back from South America I was delayed in Amsterdam for 4 days, so lucky that I got back to the UK fairly quickly, but it was so stressful!
  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I hope it clears up too - the volcano won't stop erupting for a while though. (Damn knowing so much about volcanoes!)
    I was delayed for a week in Sicily last time (ended up getting a 32 hour coach... fun stuff!) - on a volcanic processes field course to Etna!

    Just keeping believing in magic tohugh, and it will all be fine...
  4. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    i came back from new york a few days ago after being there for a week and it all went fine. So hopefully it will stay like that.
  5. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Someone mentioned this to me, what happens if we turn up to the airport june 1st and can't fly? do we just haveto wait till we can fly and then our start date will be from then? =s x
  6. jenkidd67

    jenkidd67 New Member

    There should be a number in your package or on one of the documents online for the WDW International people. Its the same office that you have to e-mail your flight details to when you get them. Take the number with you and if anything at all delays your arrival time, call the number and let them know. They will be able to tell you what to do in case that happens. But until then, dont worry! Hopefully everything will work out travel wise.
  7. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    i think a bigger worry is for the people who booked the British Airways flights with STA Travel... as its looking likely the airline might go on strike within the coming weeks...
  8. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    My bf is an engineer for BA (nothing to do with the strike, only cabin crew) even though i could get discount for their flight because he works for them, I went for Virgin because of the whole UNITE/Cabin Crew crap.. its a shame because the Cabin Crew are being so greedy
  9. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Knowing a member of BA cabin crew myself it's not all of the cabin crew that want things to change. Unfortunately their union is really powerful and a lot of crew members feel pressured into voting to strike.
  10. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    Yes you are right but the engineers have nothing at all to do with the strike im saying, not in Cardiff anyway, as i know for a fact that they are not complainign about their salary.

    And yes heard some awfull stories of people being pressured into the strike not only by UNITE but also other staff members.

    But anyway glad i didnt book my flights with BA
  11. Ophelia

    Ophelia New Member

    Does anyone have an idea whats gonna happen if we cant fly with BA?...ahhhhh I'm scared :(
  12. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    Im sure you will be fine, and if there is a strike on, most of the flights are still going as they have volunteers to cover the people who are on strike
  13. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    It's also the internal flights that are the first to go rather than the international flights because they will lose more money if they cancel the internationals.
  14. emma0504

    emma0504 New Member

    wishing I never booked with BA now. apparantly they are planning strikes up until june 11th. im going on the 25th May from edinburgh to london gatwick to orlando so im worried they cancel the flight from edinburgh to london but not london to orlando. just have to wait and see i supose and think of a back up plan. xxx
  15. Ophelia

    Ophelia New Member

    Yeah me too....I guess if that happened we would have to take the train or something...which would suck.... :-\
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    im with BA, they reimburse costs right? if they cancel the flight il be stuck in london and im from Leeds :S
  17. *sara*

    *sara* New Member

    Sofi they will reimburse you, at the very least they will get you on another flight. You should find out a few days before the flight if it will be affected, if it is they won't make you travel to London so it should be ok. I got stuck at heathrow over xmas and it was hectic i ended up sleeping on the floor as there was no contingency plan and i couldn't claim back on my insurance as i'd missed a flight connection...it wasn't a cancellation.
  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    ahh i c, i dont really know much about flying tbh, but im staying in a hotel in london the night before so if we find anything out the night before i won't know :s
  19. *sara*

    *sara* New Member

    Well i'd imagine you'd know before the night before but there's always the issue of backlog of flights. Would probs be a good idea to check the internet at some point if it comes to it but i'm sure it'll all be fine :)
  20. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Are you staying in London or in a hotel near the airport? If its one near the airport they often have flight info screens in the lobby and/or on the tv.
    Also if BA do strike it'll be all over the news at least several days before your departure date.

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