Hey, i just found out i'm gona be living inm 1601 vista way, my friends are in chatham and commons. What's vista way like? Is it ok? and how far away is the other 2 complexes and what is transport like from there..... I might see if i can change it if it's bad lol thanks
vista way isnt that bad really....just dont go in the hot tub lol plus your only free bus rides away from the commons and chatham(there not far really)
Yeah-- vista is not that bad.. it's not within walking distance of chatham or commos but there are buses going there every 10 or 15 minutes so dont worry about that..
thanks guys had to ring today cus i'm arriving from sanford by taxi. so was told to ring internationa larrivals so the taxi driver knew where to take us u know? but the woman told me it's only a few weeks il b there, then i'll be moved to commons f nyone else is in same boat, or is bein put in chatham, vista ones b moved first, then chatham to th commons oh and she told me theres bout 9 others for vista too