
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Alefou, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Alefou

    Alefou New Member

    well i write this topic because i really don't understand how they put people into housing
    I'm a french International College program applicant and i arrive 23 June and i would like to know where the ICP are placed?

    I heard that only Americans are placed in Vista and IP are placed in commons but where are placed the ICP????

    Thanks a lot for your answwer
  2. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    icp 's are now housed with the cp's at vista or chatham
  3. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Or indeed the Treehouse Villas
  4. Birdman22

    Birdman22 New Member

    i just got moved to commons after 5 weeks at vista and i'm the international program.
    commons are full so u can be sent anywhere until there is room
  5. Selma

    Selma New Member

    It actually depends on where you work!!!

    Bon courage pour le voyage!!!
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    People that are there currently have allready applied but according to this site Vista is for ICPs and CPs (generally) exclusivly, so there's a really good chance you'll be there.
  7. elizakbeth

    elizakbeth New Member

    does anyone know how do they decide in which flat to put you, i mean, if it's a 2,4,6 or 8 persons flat? how do they do that?
  8. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    I asked the question about the number of people in flats at my interview- and basically if theres a space for you, you get put in it :D There is no system lol
  9. elizakbeth

    elizakbeth New Member

    Ahhh thanks Gem, I dont like the system jajaja! But oh well, as long as I'm with nice people and near the pool i wont complain ;)
  10. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    and is the commons 21+ only?
    im on the seasonal 2 month programme coming on 10th sept!!!!
    i wonder where ill be placed, not a clue lol
  11. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    im pretty sure that all the complexes have wellness (or welfare just for u marc :p ) u could be anywhere just the same

    and from wot ive been told, people who are on the same visa as us and doing similar program (the canadians who went in june) they are in chatham. hope we are in chatham!
  12. ohhh i hope we're all together, it's scary if we move in with people who are already settled in, i hope we're not just filling gaps in apartments.
  13. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    well chris who went on tuesday said his apartment was completely empty wen he moved in that was in chatham

    i kinda hope the opposite... if ppl are already living there they will likely already have some of the essentials like a tv/dvd player
  14. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I've heard nothing about a roomate yet but my actual roomate left yesterday, and another one plans on being back in Canada by Sept 1st. I have a 6 bedroom room meaning 2 beds will potentially be freed up for you guys come Sept 10th. The reason I say that is as of yet I have no notice about anyone moving in.
  15. gavlamba

    gavlamba New Member

    IM EXCITED AND NERVOUS AT THE SAME TIME lol id like to live in chathanm my mates frmuni are already there and there on exactly same programme as me and everything nso hopefully be moved there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just need my visa fingers crossed :S :'(
  16. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    well to be honest as long as im there ill be happy anywhere so its all cool, but the downside is all the people ive spoke to so far doing my programme are over 21 and im living in (wellfare) hehe!
    on the upside - more friends wooop
  17. gavlamba

    gavlamba New Member

    im not over 21 marc!!!!! yet muhahahahahahahahahaha

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