Visa Rejected

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by StevenC, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    I had my visa appointment earlier today at 1pm. drove down with my friend from manchester (who also is doing ICP) and my dad.

    we arrived there in plenty of time and both went into the embassy. we got talking to a few other people who were also on icp who were there and compared forms.

    we then waited and i was eventually called to the first window... however my application was immediately rejected by the man there because i hadn't filled out the section regarding my schools (this was because the online for was VERY vague and talked about 'elementry schools' - a thing we dont have at all in britain... hence y i clicked 'no' to that section).

    so i was sent away and had to redo my application in a cafe down the road which cost me about £15. i then returned to the embassy and was told i had to reschedule my whole interview to another day.

    i was extremely upset and distressed. my friend and the other people we had met in the queue came out of the embassy about an hour later... all with their visas accepted.

    i told them what had happened to me and we again compared forms... turns out they ALSO didnt fill in the schools section on the form for the same reason i hadn't... because it related to american 'elementary schools' and 'high schools'.

    i've never been so mad and upset in my life. my friend and the people we had met did the EXACT SAME THING as i did... yet i was the only one who was rejected and told to fill it all in again because of it.

    i now have to go through all this again. phone up the expensive number and book an appointment and travel down to london on my own in 2 weeks.

    i think its rediculous the way they have these double standards and accept one and reject another when our forms were identical.

    i phoned and booked another appointment... and let them know how angry i was that i was rejected for something my friends weren't.

    as soon as i receive my visa im writing an extremely strong worded complaint to the us embassy for this. iv wasted so much time and money for nothing
  2. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    To be honest I wouldn't.
    Yes I agree it's frustrating and it is unfair that one person is rejected and another accepted when they appear to have done the same thing. This information was on one of the yummy jobs sheets somewhere though.
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Well that sucks!

    But there were two types of applicants, those who got asked about schools and those who didn't, did your friends actually get asked a question about school? Cos i didn't so i didn't have to answer one and i got my visa fine, but on the phone before i went she told me if u do get asked u haveto answer it. So maybe thats why they were iffy.

    Did you try going to the front desk and telling them? x
  4. KingDavid

    KingDavid New Member

    Elementary Schools are Primary Schools. Just assumed that was common knowledge
  5. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    I wouldn't have known that, i went to First School then Primary then Grammar, elementary is american so unless ur american or watch a lot of tv your probably not gunna know that without looking it up. x
  6. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    it will cost me well over £100 to have to go through all this again when 3 other people had theirs accepted having done the SAME THING as me.

    so yes dear... i shall be complaining.

    nothing about schools was mentioned by yummy jobs.
  7. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    no elementry schools are not primary schools. they may have similar age brackets (i dunno if they do but i assume so)... but they are not the same.
  8. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    When I was booking my appointment they made it very clear about the elementary school thing and explained to say yes

    Whether they did it for you I don't know, I guess the person at the window was just been a jobsworth
  9. KingDavid

    KingDavid New Member

    Elementary is their "first" school, which for me in the south west anyway, was Primary.
    Sounds like you got treated slightly harshly, but complaining against a system like the US Government, especially on matters such as immigration, will fall on deaf ears and be a total waste of time.
  10. SiY

    SiY New Member

    So we need to say Yes on the form in regards to elementary??
  11. captain_kylie

    captain_kylie New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Steven, it's like everyones worse nightmare, I assume you've told Yummy Jobs, if not then you should!

    But I agree, complaining to them will only put you in a bad position for any future visa applications etc,

    Hope it all goes well in 2 weeks xx
  12. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    More to the point, they have every right to revoke your current (when you do get it) visa, if they don't like the fact that you've complained.

    To be honest, I *really* wouldn't risk complaining against someone as big as the US embassy. They don't care if you get out to America or not. I wouldn't risk doing anything that means they'd say no.
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yeah it's not worth it because they will probably just take a disliking to it... the US embassy are not people should annoy - any excuse not to let someone into the country! As proved by your school thing!
  14. KingDavid

    KingDavid New Member

    ...or let you into the country then let Customs give you a "special" inspection :'(
  15. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    I think everyone's summarized pretty well why I said it's not worth complaining. On the embassy website (which yummy jobs linked to on their visa instructions document) it states:

    If asked the question “Have you attended any educational institutions other than an elementary schoolâ€, you should list all educational institutions you have attended since the age of 11

    Link below:
  16. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    but the other 3 ppl i was with didnt either n were all accepted... thats wat the piss take is. it shud be the same rule for every1 or not at all.
  17. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    either way theres nothing you can do apart from apply again so theres no point complaining or moaning about it as youve only got that option
  18. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    im going to apply again and then complain my ass off!
  19. KingDavid

    KingDavid New Member

    How very mature.
    You'll be wasting your time. No point whinging, asking for sympathy & advice then ignoring everything sensible people have said.
  20. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    lol lol lol ='] oh my.

    I personally would complain. but oh well thats just me..

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